Thursday, July 29, 2021

Life Cycle

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Life Cycle. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Life Cycle paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Life Cycle, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Life Cycle paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

During life we go through five different stages. At each stage we need a different type of nutrition to keep us healthy. These stages are infancy, childhood, adolescence, adults and older adults. Different nutrition is recommended for people at different ages, for example pregnant women need different nutrients to breastfeed (West, 000184). The body needs nutritious food to repair, build, and maintain body tissues. Also different factors affect the amount of nutrients that you need. Body size, composition, age, gender, activity level and state of health are some of these factors (West, 000186).

Infants and toddlers need different nutrients than adults do because they are growing and developing bones and tissues. Iron, protein and calcium support the growth of muscle tissues and other body tissues (West, 000 18). Breast milk is viewed as the ideal food for infants. The contain nutrients too meet the specific needs of an infant. Cereal is also important because it is one of the first solid foods that infants eat. The cereal provides iron that the infant can easily digest (West, 00015). New foods should be introduced to infants and toddlers as soon as possible, developing their pallets before the age of two.

During childhood, children will start to eat larger quantities of food. Giving children the motivation to eat is the most important thing. They need to be fed foods that are easy to digest, and include the four food groups. Children must be fed child sized portions because they know their own limits. Include shapes, colours, textures, and flavors to encourage children to look forward to meal times. Children start to become more active during this period of life and need more energy. Boys and girls aged -8 need about 1,700 calories per day (West, 00000). An important meal is breakfast of children, because it gives them the energy to perform during the day. Parents should supply foods such as, yogurt, raisins, carrots, fruits, and fat free milk for snacks.

The body undergoes many changes and development during adolescence. The daily calorie intake is higher than in children (West, 000 0). Males also need more calories than females. Young people often skip meals and find it difficult to concentrate in school. A good breakfast is important because it replenishes the body after a nights sleep (West, 00004). Eating - meals a day will help you achieve the daily calorie requirements. Adolescences should also fallow the Canadian food guide.

Buy cheap Life Cycle term paper

Adults have a similar nutritional pattern to teenagers. Adults need vital nutrients to support body functions. Adults need less calcium because bones have stopped growing (West, 00006). Calorie needs decrease for adults because their metabolic rates decrease (West, 00006). Many adults have busy schedules and find it hard to fit in nutritious meals. Instead they choose foods that are high in fat, sodium and sugar. Many adults have a hard time maintaining a healthy body weight and this can often lead to type diabetes, heart disease, and gall balder disease (West, 00007).

Older adults sometimes lose their desire to eat. Some factors could be, sense of taste is diminished so they don't want to eat bland tasting foods, and tooth loss may make chewing difficult (West, 00008). Many older adults live alone and they don't have to motivation to prepare nutritious meals for themselves. Limited income and mobility can restrict elder's food choices also.

From infancy to old age, people have to eat foods with the nutrition their bodies need to keep healthy. Nutrition is one of the most important things in our lives.

Please note that this sample paper on Life Cycle is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Life Cycle, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Life Cycle will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Approximately one hundred and thirty five years ago, Canada became a nation. Over this period of time, many individuals have had an impact on the history of Canada and have helped to shape Canada into the great nation it now is. However, four individuals proved to be more influential than the rest. These four individuals, who were most significant to Canadian history, were Sit John A. MacDonald, General Sam Hughes, William Lyon Mackenzie King, and Adolph Hitler. These men proved to be highly consequential in the history of this nation because they all, in their own way, either helped Canada get out of problems it was facing, set the nation off on a new and better track, and finally helped to prove Canada's independence.

Not one person could doubt Sir John A. MacDonald, the first Prime Minister of Canada and a father of Confederation, to be one of the most significant people in Canadian History. As a father of Confederation, he helped form Canada into a nation. Had he not done this, Canada would have been taken over by the United States of America. Being the first Prime Minister of Canada, he was a founding father of Canada who basically started the Canadian economy and culture . MacDonald also helped to prove Canada's independence by joining the former British colonies into a strong union and governing this union as its own nation, while trying to free it from British or American influence.

General Sam Hughes, though not the most loved Canadian, was the most significant individual in history during the World War I era. Hughes was responsible for the birth of Val Cartier Camp , the largest training camp in Canada, where soldiers were prepared for the battlefields. Though many say he was too tough on the soldiers, and his unpopular decisions, such as the choice to use the Ross rifle, led to his eventual downfall , no one can deny that this former Minister led the Canadian army to victory. As a result of the training received at Val Cartier camp, Canadian soldiers captured Vimy Ridge, which was a most significant moment in Canadian history as it won Canada an invitation to the Paris Peace Conference. At the Paris Peace Conference, the Canadian delegates helped form the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which was important as it meant Canada was to be recognized as its own nation, rather than simply a piece of the British Empire. This chain of events, which will forever leave a mark in Canadian History, all occurred as a result of the actions of General Sam Hughes.

As a Prime Minister of Canada, William Lyon Mackenzie King was very significant in Canadian history, far more than any other individual during the "roaring" twenties and the "dirty" thirties. This follower of the Occult helped Canada proved it's independence by refusing to send troops to Turkey during the Chanak affair, which helped prove Canada's independence as it demonstrated that Canada would no longer follow orders from Britain. He also took a leading role at the Imperial Conference of 16, where the Balfour Declaration was signed. This document states that British dominions were to be autonomous and equal in status . King also signed the Halibut Treaty with the United States without a co-signature from the British Ambassador in the United States. This demonstrated Canada's independence as it proved that Canada no longer felt that Canadian foreign affairs needed British approval.Cheap custom writing service can write essays on The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History

The fourth most significant person in Canadian history, though not a Canadian, was Adolph Hitler. As a leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and the leader of Nazi Germany, he started World War II , which was what got Canada out of the terrible depression. His Final Solution, which was his plan for the extermination of the Jews, caused the people of Canada to realize their racist ways and change them. Without this realization, Canada might not be the unprejudiced and multicultural nation it now is. It was also Hitler's war that caused Canada's involvement in D-Day, which helped prove Canada's ability to fight in a major battle and win.

Sir John A. MacDonald, General Sam Hughes, William Lyon Mackenzie King, and Adolph Hitler are the most significant individuals in Canadian history because they all, in their own way, either helped Canada out of the trials and tribulations it was facing at the time, set the nation off into a new track, or fought for the country's independence. These four individuals helped Canada by the great nation it now is, and one could hope that every man, woman, and child can not only appreciate the freedom and the lifestyle we enjoy as a result of the actions of these men, but also to follow in their footsteps.

Please note that this sample paper on The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

What companies want

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on what companies want. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality what companies want paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in what companies want, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your what companies want paper at affordable prices with custom writing service!

What companies want The Whole Engineer

Rapidly changing technology places as many new demands on engineers as

it does on the functionality of the products they develop. To provide

customers with best-in-class solutions, Mentor Graphics Corp. needs

Help with essay on what companies want

best-in-class engineers-those who possess a robust set of non-technical

skills in addition to their technical expertise.

As the EDA industry continues to push the limits of design complexity,

the traditional, technically competent development engineer is discovering

that non-technical business competence is as important as technical skill.

The stereotype of the isolated, Dilbert-like cubicle engineer is being

replaced with a new vision of the whole engineer a dynamic, informed

and approachable individual who can fluently articulate the case for a

product from a business standpoint as well as explain the products

functional capabilities.

Three competencies

Mark Klein, Mentor Graphics director of engineering infrastructure, says,

There are three competencies that define an exceptional engineer

technical competence, application-specific competence, and non-technical

or business-skill competence.

During the recruitment process, technical and application-specific

skills typically dominate the hiring decision. A solid base of technical

and application-specific knowledge is of course essential to becoming

a successful engineer; technical skills are critical for a

high-performing development engineer. To be successful in the

future, however, an engineer must have other complementary skills

, including those of a non-technical nature.

Don Guiou, vice president and general manager of Mentor Graphics

Mixed-Signal IC Design/System-Level Co-Design division, said,

Intellectual-property issues associated with design reuse require

that engineers work closely with non-engineering organizations,

such as the legal department. To explain complex topics in a manner

that is both relevant and understandable to non-technical individuals,

engineers must have strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Project management is another business skill that is increasingly

important for engineers. A decrease in customer product life cycles

means Mentor Graphics must deliver products to the market ever more

rapidly. To improve upon development processes and measure them

effectively, you must have exceptional project-management skills,

explains Guiou. This becomes particularly critical when you have

interdependencies with other products. Deep-submicron design demands

more integration among tools, which creates additional dependencies.

And one way to effectively manage dependencies is through strong

project-management skills.

Beyond the technical

Competency in non-technical areas, such as interpersonal relations,

project management, negotiation, presentation, business understanding

and relationship-building, matched with technical expertise, define

the Mentor Graphics whole engineer. Engineers who exhibit both

technical and non-technical prowess will become premium candidates

for promotion, and team and technical leadership.

Mentor Graphics expects its engineers to become more involved with

customers, to work on multidiscipline teams and to become more

influential in the product-development decision-making process.

The company promotes many technical experts into management roles,

giving them the responsibility of leading product groups, defining

team mission and vision, and managing performance issues. They

also have to meet product deadlines, carefully manage budgets and

resources and understand broad industry issues and Mentor Graphics

role within the industry.

A fluid marketplace demands that our engineers grow beyond their

technical proficiency to acquire undeveloped non-technical skills

defining the difference between the successful engineer of the past

and that of the future.

The more broad-based a person is, the more productive they are, said

Brian Derrick, director, Mentor Graphics physical verification and

static timing business units. The objective is simple Get the market

requirements to the development team and the products back to the

market as quickly as possible. Heightened business acumen and

communication skills give an engineer the ability to fully understand

customer requirements, typically articulated as a business issue,

and directly apply technical talents to deliver a solution.

The need for engineers to possess strong non-technical skills is already

being recognized by many educational institutions. Some colleges and

universities are adjusting their engineer-ing programs to reflect this.

Today, students are being asked to participate in real-world

project-development experiences, including working on teams and employing

project-management, decision-making, communication and problem-solving


We support management development, performance development and

technical-development resources to ensure engineers have the

opportunities they need to keep their skills up-to-date, said Walden

C. Rhines, Mentor Graphics president and chief executive officer.

Please note that this sample paper on what companies want is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on what companies want, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on what companies want will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from custom writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

The Lone Heroine

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Lone Heroine. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Lone Heroine paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Lone Heroine, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Lone Heroine paper at affordable prices!

Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" portrays a woman, Portia, as the hero of the play. Shakespeare's comedy takes place in 16th century Europe, and shows faltering men amidst a woman disguised as a man, Portia. The irony is that Portia, like all women at the time, were viewed as inferior to men and could not take place in mainstream business, yet alone save a man's life, Antonio, in a heated courtroom battle. Dressed as a man in a courtroom battle, she is the key to victory for Antonio and friends. She decisively and cleverly realizes that the bond in question requires one pound of flesh as payment if the bond is not paid in full on time. But with flesh comes blood, and blood in the laws of Venice counts as murder, and therefore the bond is nullified in court. But through her aggressive tactics and strong will she reverses the punishment inflicted upon Antonio over to Shylock, which must pay a hefty sum of wealth because of this illegal bond. The court grants her request, more likely because Shylock is a Jew rather than serving due justice, but this is a prime example of Portia's cutthroat way of dealing with problems that unfold before her. Surrounded by stumbling men, Portia stands out as the heroine by making things right for everybody including herself, which makes her the hero and heroine of the play.

Bassanio's friend, Antionio, is in a heap of trouble for not paying back the loan in due time. Portia uses her smarts and cunning attitude to help save him. Dressed as a male lawyer's clerk, the heroine is on the defensive for Antonio. Portia says, "The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven," (Act 4.i.10-11). Stressing mercy and other dominant Christian morals in which she and everybody else in the courtroom, Portia effectively isolates Shylock as the only Jew. She wins the Duke of Venice's bias as well, as he says to Shylock, "We all expect a gentle answer, Jew," (4.i., 5). Lawfully he has no power to rule in the Christian's favor because it would show Venice as a city with a corrupt justice system. Antonio says, "The duke cannot deny the course of law / Since that the trade and profit of the city," meaning that Antonio is sure his fate is near (III.iii.6, 1).

Shylock is on the verge of having his bond. He stresses the law, saying "I shall have my bond. Speak not against my bond," (III.iii.4). And, for a time, his strategy works perfectly. Being offered ten times over the original sum the bond calls for and with Bassanio offering his own life in exchange for Antonio's, Shylock still refuses, replying coldly, "I am not bound to please thee with my answers" as to show that Shylock doesn't need to change the bond to make the defendants happy(IV.i.64).

Seeing that the forgiveness defense is running out of steam, the heroine goes straight for the kill. Realizing that the bond requires one pound of flesh and Shylock is an alien, she figures out that it is impossible to extract flesh from a person without blood coming with it. Saying, "But in cutting it, if thou dost shed / One drop of Christian blood…," Portia effectively presents the difference between Shylock the Jew, and Antonio the Christian (4.i.-). In this cunning legal maneuver, drawing blood from a Venetian citizen is unlawful from an alien, Shylock as non-Christians are lawfully considered aliens . Antonio's life is saved and Shylock sulking in defeat has more coming for him. As he has attempted to murder, by the laws of Venice, his estate is to be removed. Portia adds insult by requesting that Shylock be imprisoned or killed. The Duke reduces the sentencing to becoming convert to Christianity and to give a sizeable portion of his estate to his daughter, who betrayed him.Order Custom Essay on The Lone Heroine

Though she appears to be a simple woman, she is much more through these heroic actions. Effectively saving Antonio through a cunning yet simple legal maneuver, Portia stands out in front of stumbling men around her who could not have come up with a better plan. In fact, Antonio was prepared to die, saying "The duke cannot deny the course of law," (III.iii.6). Through saving Antonio's life and setting things straight for all Christians, Portia would be viewed as a total hero, as Christian supremacy was of general acceptance at the time. Though very hypocritical, stressing forgiveness yet viciously attacking Shylock at the first chance suggesting that he be killed, Portia's cunning and aggressiveness cannot be denied. Overcoming her status of a woman as well as out-doing a whole group of men make Portia the perfect hero and heroine of both the 16th century Europe and today.

Please note that this sample paper on The Lone Heroine is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Lone Heroine, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Lone Heroine will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, July 23, 2021

Stone wall jackson

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Stone wall jackson. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Stone wall jackson paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Stone wall jackson, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Stone wall jackson paper at affordable prices!

Stone Wall Jackson

Thomas J. Jackson lived a very respectable life. In his earlier years his family struggled. Born into a low class family in Clarksburg, Virginia on January 1,184, Jackson was a child of five. His parents were Jonathan Jackson (170-186) and Julia Beckwith (178-181). Nine months after Julia became pregnant with their sixth child her husband and first-born daughter, Elizabeth died of Typhoid Fever. Julia gave birth to their sixth child, Laura Ann, the next day.

Jackson's mother remarried to a man named Charles Woodson. Woodson disliked his stepchildren and all of the family's financial difficulties. The family did not have the money to put food on the table every night or to be fully clothed all of the time. The two newly weds divorced and the Jackson family moved to Jackson's Mill, Virginia into a cheaper house. During their stay at Jackson's Mill, Julia died in labor. For losing her life Jackson's half brother, Wirt Woodson was born. Jackson, being the oldest male in the house hold now had to work at night while attending a low class school during the day. Jackson had to support his brothers and sisters. When his siblings got older he could concentrate more on himself.

When Jackson turned eighteen he was accepted into the United States Military Academy at West Point. While at West Point he studied a lot of philosophy. He also had a strong interest in math but was not very good at it and gave it up after his first year at West Point. He graduated in 1846 and received the rank of second lieutenant. At the beginning of the Mexican war he was ordered to report for duty with the First Regular Artillery. Jackson, living in Virginia was not hesitant to take a trip down to Mexico. For about a week up to when e served with this unit in General Winfield Scott's army in its campaign from Vera Cruz to Mexico City Jackson did nothing but enjoy the sun light and get a tan. After the Vera Cruz Campaign Jackson participated in the storming of Chapultepec, and for his daring there was promoted to major. In the spring of 1851 Jackson was offered to teach at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia. After thinking over his options for a year Jackson's passion for edjucation over powered his will to fight. He resigned from the military. At the Virginia Military Institute he taught natural and experimental philosophy, what he had been so interested in only a few years earlier. Jackson was a marvelous teacher and taught some of the brightest minds America ever saw.

Order College Papers on Stone wall jackson

Now that Jackson had a more secure job he began to settle down and start a family. The lucky girl was Elinor Junkin (185-1854). On August 4, 185 the two were married. However, Elinor died in labor on October , 1854, their son was stillborn. On July 16, 1857, Jackson married for the second time. His wife was Marry Anna Morrison (181-115). Mary Anna gave birth to a daughter, Mary Graham, on April 0, 1858; the baby died less than a month later, on May 5. Jackson, frustrated with dead babies and a dead wife returned to the military. However, Jackson was unwilling to his first assignment. But in November 185, Jackson was one of the VMI officers who stood guard at the execution of abolitionist John Brown. Jackson was working his was up the ranks again. On April 1, 1861 Jackson was appointed in charge of the VMI Corps of Cadets who were ordered to Richmond to serve as drillmasters for new military recruits. 0n April 7, 1861 Governor John Letcher ordered Jackson to take command at Harpers Ferry, where he organized the troops that would soon comprise the famous Stonewall Brigade.

In July of that same year Jackson earned his legendary nickname along with the ranking of Brigadier General. "Look, there stands Jackson like a stone wall". The next month Stone Wall Jackson was promoted to Major General. He was now in command of the Shenandoah Valley. In May and June of 186 Jackson was brilliant for a streak of 4 battles. This was later named the Shenandoah Valley Campaign. It consisted of victories at Front Royal, Winchester, Cross Keys and Port Republic. Following the successful campaign, Stone Wall Jackson was sent to join one of the greatest generals of all time, General Robert E. Lee. However, he was sent back to the Shenandoah Valley because of ineffective leadership, which stood in stark contrast to the brilliance of the Shenandoah Valley Campaign. To this day people do not understand what went wrong. Jackson was promoted to Lt. General and given command of the new Second Corps, Jackson was now in charge of half of Lees Army of Northern Virginia.

Some believe that maybe Lee was fearing his power diminishing, maybe he was a little jealous of Jackson, however, Jackson was stuck by three .57 caliber bullets. He was taken to a field hospital where his left arm was amputated. He later died at 15 of serious blood loss. His last words were Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees. The burial of the gallant war hero took place in Lexington, Virginia, the town that was Jacksons home during his years as Professor at Virginia Military Institute.

Please note that this sample paper on Stone wall jackson is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Stone wall jackson, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Stone wall jackson will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Customer Complaints

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Customer Complaints. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Customer Complaints paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Customer Complaints, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Customer Complaints paper at affordable prices!

Products and/or services offered

Pacmetal Services supplies highly decorated, coated and plain tinplate and aluminium ready for use by local and international packaging manufacturuers. Major printing designs include Wattyl, Dulux, Continental, Kraft, Nestle, Cadbury, Schweppes, Cottees, CC's and a large variety of others.

Types of customers internal and external

A majority of Pacmetal Services customers are internal customers. Generally the plain, coated or decorated tinplate is shipped to the customer (usually NCI) where it is slit, cut or formed into tins, pails, lids etc and then shipped again to the final customer to fill with the product as labelled.Order Custom Customer Complaints paper

Internal customers for Pacmetal Services (Vic) include all NCI and other Pacmetal plants.

NCI Avondale (NZ)

NCI Christchurch (NZ)

NCI Panmure (NZ)

NCI Wellington (NZ)

NCI Bayswater (Vic)

NCI Belmont (WA)

NCI Engineering (Vic)

NCI Tullamarine (Vic)

NCI Fiji

NCI Gepps Cross (SA)

NCI Head Office (Vic)

NCI Papua New Guinea

NCI Preston (Vic)

NCI Rocklea (Qld)

NCI Thornleigh (NSW)

Pacmetal Glendenning (NSW)

Pacmetal Meadowbank (NSW)

Major External customers for Pacmetal Services (Vic) are as follows. Once again these customer will form the tinplate into the cans / containers necessary and forward to the final customer.

ACI Closures




Beaver Metals

Identify the types of complaints that require resolution

Major complaints are concerned with products failing IFOT (In full on time). If the product is not able to be produced by the date specified the customer will submit a complaint, generally over the phone. Since the production process is quite a long one, going from printing the design, to forming the can/container, to filling the can/container etc, if one process is delayed it follows through to the end customer.

Other complaints come from faults in the print design or damage to the tinplate. If quality testing fails to recognise faults, eg through film weights, MKF rubs, copper sulphate testing, cross hatch and compound adhesion etc, the product may be sent to the customer where the fault will be recognised when they begin their process. The customer may send the product back for sorting or request a credit for the cost of the tinplate and other associated costs.

Problems can occur in the following areas


- Rust - Gauge - Pinhole

- Dents - Tail Damage - Edge Damage

- Bow - Tinflow - Oil

- Crossbow - Edge Wave - Miscellaneous


- Size

- Lacquer General Line

- Lacquer Food

- Key Coat

- White

- Coloured Coating

- Varnish Standard

- Varnish Coloured


- Registration

- Colour Variation

- Catch Up

- Scum

It is ideal that any faults in the product are identified prior to it being shipped to the customer. When Items are found to be non-conforming (i.e. where the item is such that it would affect the quality of the product received by the Customer) it is put in the Hold Out Area to prevent it from unintended use. When reviewing items on hold, the Quality Assurance Officer will look at the reason why the items are on Hold, the quantity affected and the affect that the items non-conformance will have on the quality of any product received by the Customer containing the item. This will assist in determining which corrective actions to carry out

Rework to meet the specified requirements.

Accept with or without repair with a concession,

Accept regraded for alternative application.

Reject or Scrap.

Outline communication strategies undertaken in order to resolve complaints

Customer Complaints are issued to the Quality Supervisor and a System Improvement Request Report (see following page) is subsequently raised. This involves investigating the problem and where possible finding a "Root Cause". The System Improvement Request Status Log acts as an index of the System Improvement Requests made. The date the customer advised and the date the request is completed is listed. At the end of every month all customer complaints are summarised on the form S.I.R.R Analysis for the Month and are reviewed in the Management Review Meeting by the manager and staff.

Detailed discussion with the customer usually on the phone results in reaching some agreement as to how to handle the situation.

In the unlikely event that a defect was detected in a job after dispatching the job to the customer, a product recall would be made. This might require the customer returning part of or the entire job to be sorted.

If as a result of any non-conforming product the delivery date is going to be adversely effected, the Operations Manager or Team Leader are to take steps, where possible, to achieve the delivery date. Where the delivery will not be achieved the customer is to be notified and a contract review may be required.

Please note that this sample paper on Customer Complaints is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Customer Complaints, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Customer Complaints will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Defamiliarization in Moby-Dick

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Years at sea, however, took Herman Melville far out of the familiar world of New York and Albany. Melville was not the only writer of the time who found the sea a rich source of metaphor. His contemporary, Flaubert, said in 1846 that ¡°the three finest things in creation are the sea, Hamlet, and Mozart¡¯s Don Giovanni.¡± (Marcus Cuncliff, 175 10) Herman Melville just wrote several sea novels out of his own very experiences at sea. For Moby Dick he chose a South Sea voyage in a whaler. In so doing, and in sticking to the ship instead of roaming off among real or imagined islands, he provided himself with a firm social and occupational framework. Thus anchored to actuality, he could let his imagination run free. The novel has tremendous power. It moves grandly through alternations of excitement and ease to the almost intolerable tension of the three-day chase of the White whale, and the eventual, inevitable disaster when the whale kills Ahab, then smashes the Pequod. (Marcus, 107) Like so many American classics, Moby Dick, Or the whale is at once a natural outgrowth of its writer¡¯s themes and materials and a quantum leap in achievement. As Ishmael¡¯s story, the book is a narrative of education that follows its hero from his opening hypos through its conversion to brotherhood by the pagan Queequeg to his encounters with the sea, the whale, and the white whale, linked images of Creation and the powers that govern it. (Emory Elliott et al, 188 44)

When Moby Dick was first published in 1851 its critical reception ranged from indifference to hostility. Hawthorne, to whom Moby Dick is actually dedicated, was amongst the very early readers to discern its importance. Today Moby Dick is widely regarded as the summit not only of Melville¡¯s art but of American nineteenth-century fiction. (Ousby, 7)

But in the early 1880s, Moby Dick began receiving attention from a few English readers, mainly sea authors and social critics. By and large, the scant attention Moby Dick received during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century came from England, but there were a few Melville enthusiasts this side of the Atlantic. In 10, an American literary historian commented, ¡°an occasional admirer can still be found who will pronounce them [Melville¡¯s] superior to Cooper¡¯s.¡± (Kevin J. Hayes, 14 xix) The early twentieth-century Moby Dick revival began in England, but in 11, the centenary of Melville¡¯s birth, Americans, too, rediscovered Melville. Since the revival, Moby Dick has been the subject of three movies, the silent Sea Beast (15) with John Barrymore as Ahab; the talkie Moby Dick (10) with Barrymore recreating his role; and Moby Dick (156), directed by John Huston with a screenplay by Bay Bradbury. The work of the first half of the twentieth century culminated with Jay Leyda¡¯s Melville Log (151), a work which has set the standard for subsequent documentary histories of major American authors, and Leon Howard¡¯s Herman Melville A Biography (151). Moby Dick has attracted some of the brightest literary scholars of recent times and has been the subject of numerous critical articles and monographs. The most important recent efforts have been the biographical, bibliographical, and textual work of Hershel Parker, Harrison Hayford, and G. Thomas Tanselle. (Hayes, xx-xxiii) Discovered ¨C or rediscovered ¨C in the early decades of the twentieth century, Melville now more than ever seems the monumental writer of nineteenth-century America whose presence on the literary and cultural landscape is all but inescapable. (Robert S. Levine, 001 )

There are also some scholars investigated particularly the style of Moby Dick. In Herman Melville A Critical Study, Richard Chase holds that the style of Moby Dick is a rhythm of three basic styles the style of fact, the style of oratorical celebration of fact, the style of meditation moving toward mysticism. (Richard Chase, 14 86-4) In the same chapter, Richard Chase also indicates that in discussing Melville¡¯s style, writers like Matthiessen, Sedgwick, and Olson have pointed out several influences chiefly, Shakespeare, sir Thomas Browns, and the Bible. (Chase, 86)

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In this thesis, the theories of foregrounding and defamiliarization will be adopted to analyze the stylistic traits in Moby dick and to illustrate the literariness of Moby Dick. Literariness is a matter, as Roman Jakobson put it, ¡°that which makes a given work a literary work.¡±

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