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Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" portrays a woman, Portia, as the hero of the play. Shakespeare's comedy takes place in 16th century Europe, and shows faltering men amidst a woman disguised as a man, Portia. The irony is that Portia, like all women at the time, were viewed as inferior to men and could not take place in mainstream business, yet alone save a man's life, Antonio, in a heated courtroom battle. Dressed as a man in a courtroom battle, she is the key to victory for Antonio and friends. She decisively and cleverly realizes that the bond in question requires one pound of flesh as payment if the bond is not paid in full on time. But with flesh comes blood, and blood in the laws of Venice counts as murder, and therefore the bond is nullified in court. But through her aggressive tactics and strong will she reverses the punishment inflicted upon Antonio over to Shylock, which must pay a hefty sum of wealth because of this illegal bond. The court grants her request, more likely because Shylock is a Jew rather than serving due justice, but this is a prime example of Portia's cutthroat way of dealing with problems that unfold before her. Surrounded by stumbling men, Portia stands out as the heroine by making things right for everybody including herself, which makes her the hero and heroine of the play.
Bassanio's friend, Antionio, is in a heap of trouble for not paying back the loan in due time. Portia uses her smarts and cunning attitude to help save him. Dressed as a male lawyer's clerk, the heroine is on the defensive for Antonio. Portia says, "The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven," (Act 4.i.10-11). Stressing mercy and other dominant Christian morals in which she and everybody else in the courtroom, Portia effectively isolates Shylock as the only Jew. She wins the Duke of Venice's bias as well, as he says to Shylock, "We all expect a gentle answer, Jew," (4.i., 5). Lawfully he has no power to rule in the Christian's favor because it would show Venice as a city with a corrupt justice system. Antonio says, "The duke cannot deny the course of law / Since that the trade and profit of the city," meaning that Antonio is sure his fate is near (III.iii.6, 1).
Shylock is on the verge of having his bond. He stresses the law, saying "I shall have my bond. Speak not against my bond," (III.iii.4). And, for a time, his strategy works perfectly. Being offered ten times over the original sum the bond calls for and with Bassanio offering his own life in exchange for Antonio's, Shylock still refuses, replying coldly, "I am not bound to please thee with my answers" as to show that Shylock doesn't need to change the bond to make the defendants happy(IV.i.64).
Seeing that the forgiveness defense is running out of steam, the heroine goes straight for the kill. Realizing that the bond requires one pound of flesh and Shylock is an alien, she figures out that it is impossible to extract flesh from a person without blood coming with it. Saying, "But in cutting it, if thou dost shed / One drop of Christian blood…," Portia effectively presents the difference between Shylock the Jew, and Antonio the Christian (4.i.-). In this cunning legal maneuver, drawing blood from a Venetian citizen is unlawful from an alien, Shylock as non-Christians are lawfully considered aliens . Antonio's life is saved and Shylock sulking in defeat has more coming for him. As he has attempted to murder, by the laws of Venice, his estate is to be removed. Portia adds insult by requesting that Shylock be imprisoned or killed. The Duke reduces the sentencing to becoming convert to Christianity and to give a sizeable portion of his estate to his daughter, who betrayed him.Order Custom Essay on The Lone Heroine
Though she appears to be a simple woman, she is much more through these heroic actions. Effectively saving Antonio through a cunning yet simple legal maneuver, Portia stands out in front of stumbling men around her who could not have come up with a better plan. In fact, Antonio was prepared to die, saying "The duke cannot deny the course of law," (III.iii.6). Through saving Antonio's life and setting things straight for all Christians, Portia would be viewed as a total hero, as Christian supremacy was of general acceptance at the time. Though very hypocritical, stressing forgiveness yet viciously attacking Shylock at the first chance suggesting that he be killed, Portia's cunning and aggressiveness cannot be denied. Overcoming her status of a woman as well as out-doing a whole group of men make Portia the perfect hero and heroine of both the 16th century Europe and today.
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