Friday, June 25, 2021

A Room of One's Own

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Room of One's Own. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Room of One's Own paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Room of One's Own, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Room of One's Own paper at affordable prices!

...I am sorry to break off so abruptly. Are there no men present? Do you promise me that behind the red curtain over there the figure of Sir Chartres Biron is not conclead? We are all women you assure me? Then I may tell you that the next words I read were these- Chloe liked Olivia... Do not start. Do not blush. Let us admit in the privacy of our own society that these things sometimes happen. Somtimes women do like women. -Virgina Woolf, A Room of Ones Own

This quote so interests me because it gets at the views on homosexuality not just of Virgina Woolfs time, but of the views of many centuries before her. Only recently has the issue of homosexuality been publicly discussed and debated, and even now there are still many who are uncomfortable or against the subject. Therefore, with a subject that is still so adamantly argued today, one can only expect that the ideas were even more narrow-minded concerning homosexuality dating back for centuries.

Historically, the subject of homosexuality has been kept very hidden and private from the public. Obviously the idea and practice of homosexuality has existed for centuries, if not since the caveman, but the degree with which one was free to discuss it has changed dramatically. As reference, for example, we know that Sappho was a lesbian based on her letters and poems to women, but she could never come out and express such an idea openly to the public. The paragraph directly following this quote from A Room of Ones Own begins, it struck me how immense a change was there. Chloe liked Olivia perhaps for the first time in literature. Cleopatra did not like Olivia. This demonstrates that in Woolfs time even the idea of discussing homosexuality in a public forum was revolutionary. As she describes, never before had there been a novel where a girl was in love with a girl or even a man was in love with a man. Additionally, in her preface to the actual discussion of homosexuality in literature, she makes the point of glancing around the metaphorical room of readers in order to ensure that there are no men around. This seems indicative of the ideas of the time, as though some of these ideas were finally able to be discussed in literature, the idea of discussing it with men was still considered taboo.

The idea of homosexuality is not only noticeable in its existence, as Mary Carmichaels book discusses new territory, but also in the idea of its nonexistence in literature up to that point. While Sapphos poems are one instance to which this might not completely apply, for the most part, especially in novels and literature before Woolfs time, there was virtually no mention of homosexuality. As Woolfs last quote ends, Cleopatra did not like Olivia. She then goes on to say how completely Antony and Cleopatra would have been altered if she had done so! This thought, that all of literature could be altered if the relationships were about two females instead of a male and a female, is a mind-boggling one. As much of literature concerning the female gender, as Woolf points out, is concerned with their relationship with men, how would this effect the entire dynamic of the great classics?

Thus the issue of homosexuality is a bigger one than at first meets the eye, for not only is it a matter of the times and the historical implications of speaking out concerning homosexuality, but a matter of the creation of relationships developed within the novels. If literature had focused on homosexual instead of heterosexual relationships, would the issue of the relationship between men and women play as elemental a role, either in literature or in life in general?

Please note that this sample paper on A Room of One's Own is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Room of One's Own, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on A Room of One's Own will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Looking back at High School Soccer

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Looking back at High School Soccer. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Looking back at High School Soccer paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Looking back at High School Soccer, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Looking back at High School Soccer paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Some of my best sports memories come from my four years of high school soccer. I was one of the only kids that actually looked forward to the end of summer. Ever year I could not wait until August fifteenth. You could feel the excitement build in the air all summer long. Build up to the start of another soccer season. We never won a state title or a conference championship. We never even had a winning season, but I still will never forget those long days of practice and the trill of competition out on the old grass field that lay just behind my high school.

The field its self was not much to look at. We did not have a huge stadium like most school. There was no huge loft of bleachers or towing lights around the field. There was no fancy scorers box or intercom system or even a sprinkler system. You would not see a huge score board with a Pepsi or Coke logo on like at other schools. We did not even a concession stand. All you would see is the bare essentials.

The field it's self was one hundred and twenty yards long and a little wider then a football field. It was covered in short green grass most of the time, that's if it had gotten enough rain.. The field was outlined in white paint. On the field there was a half field line, two eighteen yard boxes and two six yard boxes painted in the same white paint.. The lines were made by hand, so some parts were not completely strait. At each end stood an eight by twenty foot goal. The posts of the goal were square and painted white. On these was strung a bright orange net. Tied to the post with black plastic straps. The grass in the goals was usually longer than the rest of the grass. In front of each goal there was a patch of dirt where the grass no longer grew. At each corner of the field there was a red and yellow checkered flag to mark the corner kicks.

Around the outside of the field ran the school's state of the line top quality track. It was about eight inches wide and made of dirt. I'm not sure if this was really a track or just a spot where the grass will not grow do to all the running of the soccer team over the years. Never the less this what every one in the school refereed to as our track. Behind the goal on the west end of the field you would find what used to be the long jump and sand pit. It was only remanent by a small patch of sand and a few pieces of asphalt. Behind the goal on the east end of the field stands the tattered remains of the shock put cage. Along the north sideline was a big blue trash can. Just a little way behind the trash can was the shade tree we sat under before every practice. Two benches could be found on each half of the field along the south sideline. There was a small wooden desk at half field for the score keeps to sit. A short ways behind the scores table was a set of green and gold painted metal blechers.

Buy cheap Looking back at High School Soccer term paper

The season would always start August 15 at 50p.m. This was always the hot part of the year. Every one on the team would all show up and sit under the small shade tree on the far side of the field. We would sit and talk about ours summer and the up coming school year. Then "she" would come walking up. All five foot and one hundred pounds of her. She was in her early sixties, with light blond hair and skin that had aged from years in sun. She would arrive in her full Nike outfit and sunglasses. Whistle in one hand and stop watch in the other. Of course when I refer to "she" I'm talking about our soccer coach, Mrs .McCool. She is the only old woman that I knew that could strike fear into a group of teenage males. It was Coach McCool's belief that a soccer player should not need a substitute. (Which could not have been true do to the number of one goal games we lost late in the second half.) So with one puff of her whistle "Hell" would begin.

"Hell" was the three weeks prior to the start of the actual season. These practices were made up of two parts. Conditioning which made up 75% of practice and skills which accounted for the other 5%. We would start practice by gathering in a circle and stretchering. Then we would do sit ups and legs throws. If Coach thought that you were not getting enough work out on your leg throws, then she would stand on your ads and push down on your legs until your guts left like they were going to pop. After this we would start our running. The first thing we ran was the mile. This was followed by indians, high knees, and grape vines. Then it was on to sprint sprint jog. Next we would run up and down the bleachers. After running up the bleachers then we would do taps on them. Once taps were done it was on to slides, shot guns, and partner carry. Last but not lest was the dreaded suicide. For the suicide we had to run from one end line to the other and back, then to the eighteen yard line on the far side of the field and back , followed by running to half field and back, and finally to the other eighteen and back. This drill had to be done in under two minutes or you had to do the whole thing over again. If you ever stopped any time during the runs then you got the privilege to start all over again.

Please note that this sample paper on Looking back at High School Soccer is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Looking back at High School Soccer, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Looking back at High School Soccer will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, June 24, 2021

We require that you submit one of your own papers.This helps grow and add new papers!All data submitted becomes the property of and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not subm

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on We require that you submit one of your own papers.This helps grow and add new papers!All data submitted becomes the property of and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not subm. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality We require that you submit one of your own papers.This helps grow and add new papers!All data submitted becomes the property of and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not subm paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in We require that you submit one of your own papers.This helps grow and add new papers!All data submitted becomes the property of and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not subm, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your We require that you submit one of your own papers.This helps grow and add new papers!All data submitted becomes the property of and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not subm paper at affordable prices!

Las Vegas Sin City or Family Resorts?

To most people, Las Vegas is synonymous with gambling and glitter; a slightly, pleasingly sinful fairyland for adults where they can watch the most entertaining performers and biggest names in show business in between bouts and playing games of chance that everyone knows favor the house. Locals call Las Vegas Fun City or The Entertainment Capital of the World. All I know is that this place is a place of lights and really big signs Just about everyone knows the desert gaming Mecca for lustier, grubbier pursuits that have earned it a worldwide reputation as Sin City.

Las Vegas is really about gambling, and the offshoot business attracted by the 4/7 preoccupation with gaming like loan sharking, prostitution, pawnshops, and those wonderful tiny little marriage chapels. Gamblers, at least non-professionals, tend to be impulsive people who are obsessed with chance and do things on the spur of the moment. Other Cities may talk of local heroes like former Presidents, generals, baseball players, or ice skating queens. In Las Vegas, hall-of-famers whose names are passed around blackjack tables, roulette wheels and keno parlors are more likely to be like pokers greatest Amarillo Slim, Tom McEvoy, or Frank Lefty Rosenthal, former sports gamblers.

Las Vegas didn't really begin coming into it's own, as a modern day international tourist center and gaming until a good looking, vicious hoodlum who grew up in Brooklyn named Benjamin Bugsy Siegel. He was co-founder of Murder, Incorporated, and came to Las Vegas planning to build huge casinos. Siegel was the mob's glamour boy, who could charm Hollywood beauties with one look. His scams brought him nowhere but dead.

Custom writing service can write essays on We require that you submit one of your own papers.This helps grow and add new papers!All data submitted becomes the property of and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not subm

Since Siegel's time, Las Vegas has made many gangsters, gamblers, entertainers and cunning entrepreneurs incredibly powerful and rich. People like Ted Binion started out there and became men of power and high status in the particular gambling-driven middle of Las Vegas society. Then he was murdered. Las Vegas is not only dangerous for men, but it eats women alive. Numerous pretty young women from all over the country come to Las Vegas on planes, cars, greyhound, looking for fame and fortune. There're more likely to end up strippers, nude models, around the clock prostitutes, or sticking needles into their arms than they are to land a job as a lounge singer or casino showgirl. Sometimes I hear people say that it is easier to get a Sin City hooker to make a house call than it is to get a doctor.

It may be true that Las Vegas can't match the colorful brightness of New Orleans or San Francisco, and isn't a world film center like Los Angeles, or a financial and media pub like New York. There is no place else in America that can match its appeal for gamblers and big time show business. This is the site where the Spanish explorers claimed for their country and named Las Vegas

Please note that this sample paper on We require that you submit one of your own papers.This helps grow and add new papers!All data submitted becomes the property of and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not subm is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on We require that you submit one of your own papers.This helps grow and add new papers!All data submitted becomes the property of and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not subm, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on We require that you submit one of your own papers.This helps grow and add new papers!All data submitted becomes the property of and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not subm will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2021


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Cocaine. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Cocaine paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Cocaine, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Cocaine paper at affordable prices!

Definition Essay Cocaine

Cocaine is a bitter crystalline alkaloid obtained from coca leaves and synthesized from ecognine. If taken internally it has first a stimulating and then a narcotic effect. In large doses cocaine produces intoxication and acts as a local anesthetic. The history of how powder cocaine came to be one of the worlds biggest drug problems is shown in the movie Blow, directed by Ted Demme. George Jung is a character that moves to California to find a way to make a living other than being a construction worker like his father. He is introduced to selling marijuana and becomes involved in very heavy dealing. When he is busted and sent to prison for the first time he learns about the smuggling of cocaine from Columbia's medellin cartel. In the business of his smuggling he meets Mirtha, a girl who he later marries and has a daughter with. His daughter, Kristina Sunshine, brings a new perspective in George's mind. She is the greatest love if his life and he wants to more than just a criminal in her eyes. Before he can change anything he falls into the hands of the feds once again. Cocaine becomes such a big part of George's life it starts to effect him, his daughter, and his parents, in all the wrong ways.

The word cocaine is a noun which has its roots from "coca" and the use of -ine which comes from -inus or -ina for the ending of a noun. It comes from France in 1856. The root "coca" comes form Quechua or "cuca". Coca is the name of the plant from which the drug cocaine is derived.

Cocaine effects the life of George Jung in many ways. He is sucked into the life of drug addiction, and the dangerous ways of being the worlds premiere importer of cocaine. Money becomes the center of everything. He was bringing in 5 billion dollars a year and eventually had to buy a new house just to hold all of the wall-to-wall cash he had at his hands. He was dealing with some of the most dangerous men in the world everyday and was always at the risk of being caught. In the midst of everything his wife was addicted, he was addicted, and they were raising a child in a world of crime, violence, addiction, and things children should never be exposed to. George's life could only go downhill and eventually is caught by the feds and taken from the one thing that mattered the most in his life, his daughter Kristina.

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George's daughter Kristina Sunshine is brought into the world seeing her father as a criminal, her mother and an addict, and never knowing that it was wrong. George has such a great love for Kristina and would never put her in danger or intentionally hurt her in any way. She is in no real danger when she is with him but only ends up being hurt emotionally by the events of her fathers life. When he sent to prison she is abruptly taken away, but soon comes home to her mother. When her father gets out of prison he is able to her every once in a while for short periods of time. Her parents are no longer together and she does not even get to know her father any longer before he is caught for the last time. This time only breaking promises and shattering their relationship once again. Cocaine ruins her life through her parents. No child should have to see the things she saw and go through the pain she went through.

George's parents are faced with a big decision about what to think of their son. They wonder where he gets all of his luxuries and money but you can tell they know deep down what is really going on. His dad chooses to love him regardless of what he does. He does not support the role of cocaine in George's life but he does not love his son any less. His mom on the other hand becomes completely embarrassed ashamed of the son she thought she has raised so well. Knowing that any one she knows might think less of her she completely disowns her son. Not only does she disown him she intentionally tires to hurt him. He comes to visit his parents who he hasn't seen in a long time. His mother is very cold and quiet with him. While he is talking to his dad she calls the police and turns her own child in. As much as she disapproves of what George does it is wrong to want your child to suffer in prison. Cocaine has completely changed her thoughts of her son and shamed the rest of his family for the rest of their lives.

The movie showed every aspect of how your life could possibly be ruined by the drug cocaine. It showed how brutally it can hurt someone's life even if they are not in direct contact with the drug. Cocaine has ruined George's life. He is in prison, suffering for what he did in his lifetime. Kristina will always be emotionally scarred from the events of her lifetime. And lastly, his parents will always have pity and shame for their son and what the cocaine did to his life.

Please note that this sample paper on Cocaine is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Cocaine, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Cocaine will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Analysis of Sid from Good as Gold

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Analysis of Sid from Good as Gold. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Analysis of Sid from Good as Gold paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Analysis of Sid from Good as Gold, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Analysis of Sid from Good as Gold paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Character Analysis of Sid

Sid was the firstborn of the Gold Family. It is described that most of his physical characteristics are attributed from the genes of his father. Heavy Set, with gray parting hair. As the story progresses, Sid takes on most of the stylish attributes of his father, as well, in the way he dresses and settles in his life with his wife, Harriet.

Sid's behavior could possibly have some anti-societal tendencies as he enters his adult life. Some of his characteristics are very egocentric with no empathy for those not in his family, and he appears incapable of feeling remorse or guilt. In the business world he is definitely a player for the good of his family. His behavior with family members is confusing. Sid is capable of being in complete charge of the situation, whatever it may be. Whether he is or not, to his family he appears to be. Throughout the storyline this is played through in his personality. In addition, he is very quick to give counsel. In his private life, there are times when it seems rather disorganized.

Buy cheap Analysis of Sid from Good as Gold term paper

Sid contains some socialization problems due to his childhood, and being raised as a Jew. Because of being called a "JewBoy" (p. 5), being spit on, and never having any true friends while a child because he was classified as a Jew. Sid became an expert at making his existence valuable in his adult years using his first-born male status as the backdrop. He did not allow his true feelings of rejection be shown until he was ready in his senior years.

Sid was at times impulsive, manipulative, reckless, and quarrelsome. He believed strongly in his long-term commitment with his wife Harriet. In his eyes, this is what is expected of him from the other family members since he again was the first-born and a male and role model for his siblings. Sid was manipulative in convince his co-workers, family and his wife that he was away on business, when he was actually sporting the good life in a completely different place. As time moved forward Sid would reconcile with age, leaving the more freethinking life behind. Sid became with age, not as open minded to taking such chances.

Sid was an excellent actor, always appearing charming, calm, and collected. Sid clearly shows this characteristic while having a discussion with his father and brother on page 6. His father reminds him that he has indeed helped him financially. During this conversation, Sid clearly cannot handle the tone of disappointment in the discussion. Sid change's the focus, trying to give advise to his father as to investing in a condo. Sid's father has taken the bait. The dialogue quickly changes to a choice in investments and the attention is no longer on Sid and what he has, or has not done.

Although Sid has not attended college, he does have a normal or above normal intelligence level and good verbal fluency. It is these qualities that sometimes place him in leadership positions within social groups and often make it hard to spot his black side.

Sid appears to be very normal, calm, and educated on the exterior, but on the interior, he is incapable of experiencing any form of emotional content. He rarely comes in contact with the law, but carries a personality that if he should Sid would be able to talk him self out of the dilemma using his verbal skills.

Although not the main character, Sid plays a very important rose in "Good As Gold" in understanding the family life. His persona is reflected as an active family member. His intentions are always for the good, and wanting to be perfect in the first-born role. He is a good listener, advisor and player throughout the entire storyline.

Gold, the main character and his brother Sid experience a sort of exchange of wits while Gold is testing Sid to his own personal regrets. On the subject of not having a college education, Sid, fires back, however, the response is so calm and appears to be thought out that Gold silently accepts that the true answer is one of disappointment.

In general, his brother does not like Sid, but like any younger sibling still seeks his guidance and advise. Many times throughout the storyline the bonding of being brothers is clear despite personality difference. Sid is very much looked up to by his Stepmother and Sisters. His Stepmother highly values his opinion. It is described on page 6 that the others were struck with wonder by Sid's eloquence and pantheistic wisdom.

There is an important relation between culture and personality. Sid sees problems clearly and delegate easily, works hard and plays with zest. He willingly provides service and expects the same from others. His sense of right and wrong wrestles with an overwhelming rescuing, mothering drive. He perceives that the world is a dangerous place, not to be trusted outside of the family. He will discretely protect his family from outside the home and from inside the family home still needs the bond of his family to consider himself a success.

Because Sid carried so many characteristics that we can all relate to, he was an easy person to like and it was enjoyable and heartwarming to watch the internal relations from within his family.

Please note that this sample paper on Analysis of Sid from Good as Gold is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Analysis of Sid from Good as Gold, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Analysis of Sid from Good as Gold will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, June 21, 2021

The black robe

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on the black robe. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality the black robe paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in the black robe, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your the black robe paper at affordable prices!

The Black Robe deals with the clash of cultures in a way that raises many questions in the viewers mind. The basic differences of each culture in terms of language, norms, beliefs and values, led to many misunderstandings and tragedies.

The basic premise of the movie, which is the foundation for both the action and ideas presented, is the Jesuits mission to convert the Native American Indians to Catholicism. The Jesuits believed that any baptized "savage" would automatically go to heaven upon death. For instance, in the movie the French mayor in New France introduced Black Robe and his aide as "Soldiers of Paradise", "they are here to show you the true way of God". In one of the other scenes in France, a Senior Priest says to his altar boy that the Jesuits "must convert the savages (just as they did in England and Germany)". "What more glorious a task than to convert the savages- to civilize them", so they can enter heaven.

The Algonquians, however, have their own set of beliefs, which the Jesuits find impossible to credit. For instance, the Jesuits believe in "Paradise" as "Happiness and peace, alone with God", whereas the Algonquin fail to believe there could be happiness without women, tobacco and hunting. Their idea of the "Afterworld" is "a forest where the dead see at night, and the souls of men hunt the souls of animals".

Given the basic fundamentals in their belief systems, it's no surprise that language should prove to be a problem and that misunderstandings occur in translations. For example, the Algonquians think that the mantle-clock is the leader of the New French village. When it says "Dong! Dong! Dong!" it is giving the mayor instructions (i.e.- it's "time for you to go").

At one point, Black Robe's young assistant asks, "Aren't the Algonquin 'true Christians'?" "They live for each other, and they forgive things we would never forgive". They share everything they have without question. Black Robe had a hard time understanding this as his European values stressed personal wealth and trading. For example, when Black Robe wouldn't give his tobacco to the Algonquians for reward, it was because he was going to trade it with the Huron. He believed that the Indians behave like children, with no thought for the future, and that "the devil prevents them from hearing the truth".

As with language and values, the differences in beliefs also cause tension between the Algonquin and Jesuits. Many times near the beginning of the film, Black Robe and his aide asks an Algonquin for his or her name, and they refuse to answer, claiming, "Names are sacred". Another belief the Algonquians have is related to their dreams. While the Jesuits look upon dreams as silly and meaningless, the Algonquians feel that dreams "are real, and must be obeyed". An example of this is near the end of the film, when Black Robe is told he must visit the Huron Mission alone, for it was like that in the Chief's dream. The most significant difference between the two groups' beliefs is processing of the dead. This difference creates a turning point near the middle of the film. An old Algonquin woman puts her dead baby in a tree, so it can be closer to its "Afterworld". Black Robe sees this and decides to bless the child, but this offends and angers the Algonquians, as they feel Black Robe is "stealing the child's spirit" spirit". It is after this event that Black Robe is deserted by the Algonquians and left to die.

After Black Robe is reunited with a few of the Algonquians, we are introduced to the Iroquois. They kill the Algonquian party without provocation. They take the survivors back to their camp, in preparation to sacrifice them to their own God, Arskui. They show no mercy for their captives. They treat the Jesuits and Algonquians with equal savagery. These incidents beg the question, "Does any one group have a right to impose their values on another?", which of course has been the premise of the movie all along. "The Jesuits believe the Indians are savages," and seek to change them. Whereas "the Algonquians believe the Jesuits are fools" but they don't wish to change them. For example, right before the Algonquian Chief dies, Black Robe tells the Chief that if he allows Black Robe to baptize him, he will go to "Paradise". The Chief answers by asking, "Why would I want to go to 'Paradise'? Are any of my people there? There are only black robes there".

As chilling as the treatment of the Algonquin party by the Iroquois is, it is nothing compared to the bleakness of the fate of the Huron. Near the end of the film, we see two Huron discussing the possibility of conversion. The Chief says, "Black Robe wants us to forget our dream. Have only one wife. Not to kill our enemies. But if we do that- we will cease to be Huron. Our enemies will sense weakness and wipe us off the face of the earth". A grim prophesy, which is proved true at the conclusion of the film. The Huron do convert to Catholicism, and fifteen years later, their enemies, the Iroquois, wipe them out.

Please note that this sample paper on the black robe is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on the black robe, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on the black robe will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Animal farm

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on animal farm. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality animal farm paper right on time.

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Animal Farm; by George Orwell

Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, is a masterpiece mocking communism. Animalism, which represents communism, was a revolution that didnt work. Animalism was supposed to make life better for the animals but instead their lives got worse. By the end of the story, everything had changed. The government had become corrupt, there was a dictator, and the animals had become slaves to the pigs. Life for the animals couldnt get any worse. The main theme of this story is about the fall of communism and how power corrupts people.

At the beginning of the story, the animals revolted because of the way they were treated by Mr. Jones, the farmer. They felt that the farmers made all the profit, reaped all the rewards but didnt do any of the work. So they formed a government called Animalism. In Animalism, there are no owners, no rich, but no poor, workers got a better life, and all animals are equal. They had even established laws called the Seven Commandments, which were intended to give basic rights to animals and protect them from oppression. The goals of the government were also established. The goals said that everyone was equal, there would be more food and sleep for all, there was to be respect for all animals, and they would build a windmill to make life better for all. By the end of the book, all this no longer existed. The animals were getting less sleep, less food, and less respect. The windmill became a source of money for the leaders, not for all the animals. The seven commandments were gradually changed to suit the pigs and then there was only one Commandment left. It ran All animals are equal but some are more equal than others(1). That single commandment made the pigs more powerful. Animalism no longer existed.

At the beginning of the story, there were two leaders, Snowball and Napoleon, that were sharing power. Snowball was good with words, honest, good at arguing, was inventive, and believed in technology. He stayed in touch with the animals, and wanted to make things better for them. Napoleon, on the other hand, was bad with words, dishonest, hated arguing, and was not inventive. He wanted to be above all the animals; he didnt care about making things better. He only believed in serving himself. In order for Napoleon to be above all the animals, he had to get Snowball out of the way. Napoleon did that by getting his dogs to scare him away so Snowball would never come back to the farm. Napoleon was now in total control of the farm and the animals. Napoleon and the pigs started acting like humans - they would drink, wear clothes, sleep in beds, fight, and walk. They did everything that they had once said was wrong. Things were worse for the rest of animals than when Mr. Jones was running the farm.

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Just after the revolution, the animals worked on the farm because they wanted to. All the animals owned the farm, so all worked for it. It was their farm. After Napoleon takes over and creates a dictatorship, the animals are forced to work. Napoleon and the pigs owned the farm and the others became slaves to them. The animals volunteered or they got less food. The dogs used force; and Squealer, a pig, would lie to them to make them work.

In conclusion, the story Animal Farm was based on the history of communism. It used Napoleon to portray Joseph Stalin. The main point of the book was to show how the pigs had created a revolution where they gained power but let the power corrupt them into ways that were good for them but not for others. The theme of the book was to show how power can corrupt people and the reason for the fall of communism because of the corruption of power amongst Joseph Stalin.

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