Friday, October 30, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Supermarkets. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Supermarkets paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Supermarkets, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Supermarkets paper at affordable prices!

Whilst the four major supermarket chains (Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda & Safeway) receive approximately 66% of the total market revenue in the UK, small grocery firms are still able to prosper. Identify what potential advantages these small firms are able utilise to enable their continuance.

The big four supermarkets chains in the United Kingdom, dominate the food retail sector, yet many smaller, independent grocery firms still manage prosper under growing competition.

The main supermarkets have vastly grown over the last ten years using organic growth and few take-overs have occurred. The main take-over occurred in 1 when Wal-mart took over Asda. (Worthington and Britton, 001, p6).

Wal-mart is well-established retailer in the United States, and is the worlds second biggest Multinational Corporation with an approximate Gross Domestic Product of $180 billion.

Small grocery firms have to operate very differently to the bigger supermarkets, due to their comparatively small power over the market.

Supermarkets can exploit economies of scale, therefore meaning that they can purchase their good at a cheaper cost per unit. Small grocers cannot do this as they are only selling goods on a comparatively smaller scale.

The smaller grocer could be considered to be a Sole Trader. The worrying statistic with sole traders is that 40% of all sole traders fail in the first years (D. Orton, Lecture, 001).

Smaller grocery firms have advantages over larger companies as they have the freedom to run their business as they want, without shareholder or stakeholder input, which might dictate which products they can sell and at which price. The big four supermarkets are Public Limited Companies (PLC's), which basically means that anyone can purchase shares in them, one condition of this PLC status is that the companies have to publish yearly reports. These yearly reports contain figures and accounts concerning profit or loss that maybe considered being highly confidential to a small grocery firm.

Smaller Grocery Firms can offer a more personal service to the customer. This is due to the fact that the smaller shop is not as busy as the supermarket, giving a greater ratio of customers to staff. This could even reach 11 in a smaller grocer but could reach 1100 in a big supermarket.

In a smaller shop, the owner could record which products are bought on a regular basis by the same customers and set up a Just-in-time delivery system with his suppliers. This would avoid holding stock that would be hard for a small independent grocer with limited storage space. The four main supermarkets have tried to achieve this with loyalty cards, e.g. Tesco Clubcard, Safeway ABC, Sainsbury Loyalty Card. These reward systems have enabled the supermarkets to set up databases enabling them to know which products to stock and to noticed changing trends.

Smaller grocery firms can offer greater convenience than larger supermarkets due to them being closer to customers and not on a large, out of town developments like most supermarkets are.

Smaller grocers can specialise more into certain ranges of food products, offering a greater range of choice to the consumer than a bigger supermarket.

Profit Margins in the Food Retail Sector are frequently criticised and the four main supermarkets have been referred to the EU Competition Commission. This is due to the fact that the price of basic foodstuffs in the United Kingdom, compared to prices in the United States of America and the European Union, are up to 40% more expensive (Worthington and Britton, 001, p6).

With these alleged high profit margins, the smaller grocer cannot be affected too much by price competition.

Therefore I conclude that small grocery firms have many advantages over the big four supermarkets, yet the big four have a much greater power over the market as a whole. I believe the main advantage is convenience to the customer, and that smaller grocers can offer a more personalised and friendly service.

Please note that this sample paper on Supermarkets is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Supermarkets, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Supermarkets will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, October 29, 2020


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Innovation. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Innovation paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Innovation, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Innovation paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!


Innovation is a major responsibility of modern management, particularly in commercial organisations. This is because both technology and society are developing extremely rapidly, as new products must be matched with new market opportunities if businesses are to survive and prosper.

One of the sources of innovation is increased delegation. In itself, delegation has great value, namely morale and performance are improved. Top management are freed for strategic planning and decisions are made by those 'on the ground'and therefore more 'in the know'. Most importantly the organisation benefits from the imagination and thinking of its high flyers(top calibre staff).

Whilst innovation lies within the employees, they must understand and that ultimately they are accountable for their own actions.

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To encourage innovation the objective for management should be to create a more outward looking organisation. People should be encouraged to use their initiative to look for new products, markets, processes, designs and ways to improve productivity.

Thomas Attword suggests the following steps to encourage innovation

· Ensure management and staff know what innovation is and how it happens.

· Ensure that senior managers welcome, and are seen to welcome, changes for the better.

· Stimulate and motivate management and staff to think and act innovatively.

· Understand people in the organisation and their needs

· Recognise and encourage potential 'entrepreneurs'

Small companies appear to produce a disportionate number of innovations because the sheer number of attempts by small-scale entrepreneurs means that some ventures will survive. The 0 % that fail are distributed widely throughout society and receive little attention.

Large companies must absorb all potential costs, even if an innovation is successful. The organisation may face costs that newcomers do not have to bear, like converting current operations and customer profiles to the new solution.

Small organisations and innovation

The research suggests that the following factors are crucial to the success of innovative small organisations.

Need orientation Lacking resources, successful small entrepreneurs soon find that it pays to approach potential customers early, test their solutions in the user's hands, learn from their reactions and adapt their designs rapidly.

Experts and fanatics Commitment allows the entrepreneur to preserve despite the frustrations, ambiguities and setbacks that always accompany major innovations.

Long-term horizons Time horizons for radical innovations make them essentially 'irrational' from a present-value viewpoint. Delays between invention and commercial production/ success can range from to 5 years.

Low early costs Innovators incur few overheads as possible, their limited resources doing directly in their projects. They borrow whatever they can and invent cheap equipment or processes, often improving on what is available in the marketplace.

Multiple approaches Committed entrepreneurs will tolerate the chaos of random advances in technology, adopting solutions where they can be found, unencumbered by formal plans that would limit the range of their imaginations.

Flexibility and quickness Undeterred by committees, the need for board approvals and other bureaucratic delays, the inventor/entrepreneur can experiment, recycle and try again with little time lost. They quickly adjust their entry strategies to market feedback.

Incentives Tangle personal rewards are foreseen if success is achieved and the prospect of these rewards (which may not be principally of a monetary nature) is a powerful driver.

Large organisations and innovation

Within large organisations, the following barriers to innovation and creativity may be typically encountered.

Top management isolation Financially focused top managers are likely to perceive technological innovation as more problematic than, for example acquisitions or organic growth.

Intolerance of fanatics Big companies often view entrepreneurial fanatics as embarrassments or troublemakers.

Short time horizons The perceived corporate need to report a continuous steam of upward moving, quarterly profits conflicts with the long time spans that major innovations normally require.

Accounting practices A project in a big company can quickly become an exposed political target, its potential net present value may sink unacceptably and an entry into small markets may not justify its sunk costs (i.e. its already incurred expenses).

Excessive rationalism Managers in large organisation often seek orderly advance through early market research studies through systematic project planning.

Excessive bureaucracy Bureaucratic structure require many approvals that cause delays. The interactive feedback that fosters innovation is lost, important time windows can be missed and real costs and risks rise for the operation.

Inappropriate incentives When control systems neither penalise opportunities misses nor reward risks taken, the results are predictable.

Successful large organisations have developed techniques that emulate or improve on the approaches used in small, fleet-of foot companies (i.e.!!!)

Atmosphere and vision Continuous innovation occurs largely because top managers appreciate innovation and atmosphere in order to support it. They project clear long-term vision for the organisation that go beyond simple economics measures.

Orientation to the market Within innovative organisations, manager's focus primarily on seeking to anticipate and solve customers emerging problems.

Small, flat hierarchies Development teams in large organisations normally include only 6 to 7 key people, operating divisions and total technical units are kept below 400 people.

Multiple approaches Where possible, several prototype programmes are encouraged to proceed in parallel. Such redundancy helps the organisation to cope with uncertainties in development, motivates people through competition and improves the amount and quality of information available for making final choices on scale-ups or new product/service introductions.

Development shoot-outs the most difficult problem in management of competing projects lies in re-integrating the members of the losing team. For the innovative system to work continuously, managers must create a climate that honours high quality performance whether a project wins or loses, reinvolves people quickly in their technical specialities or in other projects and accepts rotation among tasks and groups.

Skunk works - This is a name given to the system in which small teams of engineers, technicians, designers and model makers are placed together with no intervening organisation or physical barriers, to develop a new product from idea to prototype stage. This approach eliminates bureaucratic controls, allows fast unfettered communications, permits rapid turnaround times for experiments and instils a high level of group identity and commitment.

Please note that this sample paper on Innovation is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Innovation, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Innovation will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

That the education system needs an overhaul

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on That the education system needs an overhaul. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality That the education system needs an overhaul paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in That the education system needs an overhaul, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your That the education system needs an overhaul paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!


The education system does not need an overhaul. Ladies and

gentlemen. We are debating that the education system needs

an overhaul. Since when? The education system within this

Help with essay on That the education system needs an overhaul

context implies the school system which encompasses

kindergarten to year twelve, which can lead us to several

pathways. That it needs an overhaul. Needs implies that an

overhaul is absolutely necessary and a priority for the

education system at this very moment, to continue

functioning adequately. To suggest it needs an overhaul

means that it does not work, and may I assure you, this is

certainly different to fine tuning and refining.

We are debating the issue of success. How successful is the

education system in providing people with the tools that are

necessary to achieve what they desire. The education system

needs a tune up, not a rebuild.

I will assert that the education system does not need a rebuild

by explaining the k-1 syllabus. My second speaker will

further argue matters relating to tools and money. The

education system may require a tune up, certainly not a


I have been part of the school community for twelve years

now, and throughout my schooling experience, I have been

fortunate to experience adjustments to the education system

throughout this time, whilst also observing the changes my

younger siblings have encountered. The education system is

constantly refining so that it advantages the broad range of

students who do attend. The education system is successful

within this, as it is constantly accommodating for all different

students, through these refinements.

The education system, is much like a car. Lets say the

education system is a Monaro for example, or whatever

vehicle you choose. This Monaro ladies and gentlemen, has

an oil leak. Does this car need an overhaul. No it does not. It

is not necessary to pull the car to pieces and build it back

together again, in order to fix the problem. Rather, we would

drive our Monaro down to Joe's mechanics just around the

corner, where it may be refined and fixed. It is not necessary

for us ladies and gentlemen, to pull apart our vehicle, just as

if a problem or two are discovered within our school system,

we do not need to entirely rebuild a new education system.

Rather we would take the education system to the mechanics,

or the government, where the problem may be detected and

resolved. An overhaul would cause several other problems,

and only emphasise the dilemma, with money circumstances,

and confusion. The education system needs a tune up, not a


But what if the education system has no problem, but rather

just should be made even better, you may ask. Lets look back

to our Monaro. We want our Monaro to operate more swiftly,

and look like the hottest vehicle on the road. We do not need

to pull apart our car in order to improve it, however we add

special features such as dazzling spoiler kits, and

extraordinary turbo kits. This parallels to the education

system. If we want our education system to be at its best, it is

unnecessary to pull it to pieces and start over again, but

rather, we would add special features to boost it's quality. The

education system needs a tune up, not a rebuild.

Ladies and gentlemen, the education system is constantly

being improved, however a vision for an overhaul is not

necessary. Just ask your parents, and you will hear a lifelong

story about their tough years in school. Our education system

has evolved quite a lot since the 160's, where we lived under

the Wyndham system of education. However, the system has

not undertaken a complete overhaul. The education system is

what it is today, simply due to the fine-tuning which has

occurred throughout the years. We know this as several

similarities may be distinguished between the Wyndham

system and today's system. They share common objectives

such as to enable students to enter upon their mental

inheritance, allow for critical thought, promote a sense of

community, communication, vocation, citizenship,

spirituality, leisure and health. If our education system has

kept these values for all these years, doesn't this mean that

these are the important factors of the education system. If

these factors are evident, doesn't this mean our education

system is adequate? And if our education system is adequate,

doesn't this imply that an overhaul is not required. Our

education system may need a tune up - though not an


You may look through your parents school certificates and be

surprised that yes they were part of the champion volleyball

team, or won the touch football gala day. Extra-curricular

activities are definitely a vital part of the education system

today. As well as refinements to the system, where more

subjects have been available, more opportunities to represent

the school have also been implemented, at various levels. It is

not thanks to a complete overhaul of the education system

that we were given the chance to debate here today. Rather, it

is thanks to small refinements, which promote interschool

cooperation. The education system needs a trip to the

mechanic, not a trip to the autowreckers.

Recent refinements to the system within my lifetime, have

been a success, and have proved in circumstances that an

overhaul is not necessary. The Ella and snap testings for years

7 and 8 for example, have been a refinement to the school

system which have improved student to teacher relationships,

and have helped teachers pinpoint weaknesses in their

classes. This has proved advantageous, through a refinement,

thats right a tune up, not a rebuild. Our school system also

seems to be more confident towards our students, with several

awards for various achievements. National Literacy and

Numeracy Week is a special week to celebrate the work of

Australian schools in raising the literacy and numeracy levels

of all Australian students. This refinement was to a response

to the 0% of year three students failing a minimum standard.

The commonwealth acknowledged the need for improvement,

and did this by implementing this special week, as a

refinement, instead of an overhaul. This problem, like a

popped tyre, has been successfully fixed up, and there was

definitely no room for an overhaul, after all the education

system needs tuning up, not an overhaul.

Ladies and gentlemen. We the negative team are not saying

that the education system is perfect. Nothing in this world is

perfect. What we are saying is that the education system is

like a car. Or perhaps a pair of jeans which need a hole

stitched up. The education system may need it's creases

ironed out, it's holes stitched up, and it's tanks refuelled,

however, it does not need an overhaul. As the old clich� tells,

"if it ain't broke don't fix it."

Please note that this sample paper on That the education system needs an overhaul is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on That the education system needs an overhaul, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on That the education system needs an overhaul will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

The Role of Love in Mythology

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Role of Love in Mythology. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Role of Love in Mythology paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Role of Love in Mythology, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Role of Love in Mythology paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The idea of love plays a big part in Greek Myths. Love is used different ways throughout the myths; sometimes it shows how love is mans' weak point, and sometimes there is not only love among man, but also among the gods. Some myths show how love can make or break a person, while others show how love can make you do things you normally would not do.

There are many myths that display love among the gods. An example of mother-daughter love would be Demeter and Persephone. Demeter loved Persephone a lot, and for the six months that Persephone was in the underworld, she showed her sadness of a loved one being gone by killing all the plants and bringing winter upon the world.

Zeus displays a lack of love for his wife, Hera, throughout the myths. While still married to Hera, he sleeps around with lots of other women and does not even think twice about it. Hera gets mad that all her husband's love is not directed toward her, so she seeks revenge on everyone Zeus has slept with. If Zeus truly loved Hera, then he would not be sleeping with other women. Zeus shows what not to do with love, because he gets himself into trouble with Hera.

The Greek myths use love to explain many things in nature that the Greeks could not explain. One example is the reason of why mulberries are red. The myth "Pyramus and Thisbe" (Hamilton, pg. 101) says that mulberries are red because of the blood of Pyramus. Pyramus loved Thisbe so much that when he thought she was dead, he killed himself also. "The deep red fruit of the mulberry is the everlasting memorial of these true lovers…" (Hamilton, pg. 10)

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The Greeks may have believed in love at first sight. Many instances in the myths show one person or god seeing another person or god and falling in love with them right away. For example, the god of the river falls in love with Arethusa. Apollo was in love with Daphne and he barely knew her. The moon fell in love with Endymion, just because he possessed surpassing beauty. These are just a few examples of the myths showing love at first sight.

The myths also show love among strangers. Baucis and Philemon let Jupiter and Mercury disguised as beggars into their home out of hospitality and love. Because of their kindness, Baucis and Philemon were allowed to die together. The myths show that being kind to people and showing love can never hurt. Good always comes out of helping people.

The myth titled "Pyramus and Thisbe" (Hamilton pg. 101) has a storyline that is very close to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Two people love each other so much that they would die for each other, but the irony of the story is that they die for each other when they really don't have to. This myth teaches that love can make you do things without thinking them through thoroughly; in other words, think before you act. Pyramus killed himself because he came to the conclusion too quickly that a lioness had eaten Thisbe.

"The Quest of the Golden Fleece" (Hamilton, pg. 117) shows an example of someone's love resulting in the death of another person. Hera made Medea fall in love with Jason. Because of her love for Jason, she would do anything for him. Medea helps him overcome the greatest dangers of his journey along with Heras help. In the end Jason claims that he knew Medea loved him, but he was just using her. This myth shows that you cannot always trust love. Medea did things she normally would not have done for Jason if she was not helplessly in love with him. The myth also shows that if you love someone and they do not love you back, then move on. It is not worth getting yourself into a mess trying to win their love. It shows that when you are in love, sometimes you only see the good things in the person; Medea did not realize that Jason was using her until it was too late.

"Pygmalion and Galatea" (Hamilton, pg. 108) is a great myth for showing the meaning of love. Galatea could be a symbol for love, showing that love is beautiful, and love can overcome all things. This myth also shows that one cannot live without love. Pygmalion hated women, yet he fell in love with the statue that he had built.

Overall, the myths show many different aspects of love. From true love to the lack of love, the Greek myths have it all. Love is used many different ways in the myths, but they all show one thing love is very important in our everyday lives, and there is no denying that.

Please note that this sample paper on The Role of Love in Mythology is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Role of Love in Mythology, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on The Role of Love in Mythology will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Western Expansion

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Western Expansion. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Western Expansion paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Western Expansion, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Western Expansion paper at affordable prices!

In the early years of the American government, expansion of the United States was a very big issue. Our countries leaders believed in Manifest Destiny, or the right to rule from the tip of the east to the western shores. There were many different people who supported this idea for many different reasons. These groups of people included economists, militants, intellectuals, journalists, as well as religious leaders and missionaries.

Economists pushed for the expansion of American soil. With more land came more worth. There would be more room for settlers and immigrants to build homes on. New towns would develop, and along with that came businesses. The more business, the more money, the more power and economic stability. One supporter from this point of view was Thomas Hart Benton. Benton preferred gaining territory through occupation rather than conflict. His ideas were used to create the Homestead Act of 186, granting free land to settlers so long as they stayed on it for five years. He also encouraged the creation of overland transportation making travel to the west shorter and easier. Benton was chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs as well, and strived towards the removal of Native Americans to make room for the white settlers. He might not have had the most honest intentions, but he was driven to expand. His Son-in-Law followed in his footsteps and is well known for his conquests in California over the Spanish. With enough land and citizens, the U.S. could become a very stable and powerful nation.

While journalists wrote of gold and free land, and the militia fought with the Native Americans all over the continent, religious leaders and missionaries began to act as well. Missionaries spread out far and wide, trying to save the "savage" Native Americans from hell. They decided that the Native American way was wrong, and that they had to save these people from themselves. Many socially rejected religious leaders on the other hand saw the expansion as freedom from persecution. One such man, Brigham Young, was waiting for just such an opportunity. Young was the leader of the Mormon church. At this time the Mormons were feared because of their un-Christian ways. Young determined to lead his followers far west, where church members could gather without interruption. Other religions wished to follow in the same footsteps. New land meant freedom from the violence and negative attitude of others, and they could actually build communities based on their religions.

Later came a very important advocate for more expansion, President Theodore Roosevelt. He wanted to further expand the U.S., thus forth furthering the United States trade and power. Roosevelt wanted the U.S. was to be strong. He felt that through more expansion, the U.S. could become an even bigger and richer world power. As the president, he had very much success in doing so.

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There were many reasons for expansion into the west, and everybody had their own. Religion, military, and economy were just a few. Although a lot of the methods used to expand were not quite honorable, they worked. And, U.S. citizens got what they wanted. Because of the expansion into the west, we have one of the strongest military powers in the world, along with a very strong economy, and open religious worship everywhere in the country. Those who dreamt of expansion, and those who made it happen helped this country succeed.

Please note that this sample paper on Western Expansion is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Western Expansion, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Western Expansion will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Little Women

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Little Women. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Little Women paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Little Women, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Little Women paper at affordable prices!

Little Women is the story of four girls that were growing up during the American Civil War. Each of the girls, all sisters, has different personality traits and characteristics that are developed throughout the book. Meg, the oldest, is the sensible sister, while Jo is tomboyish and independent. Beth is musical and shy and finally, Amy, the youngest, is the most materialistic of the four. The girls grew up in a very close family and strived to support each other in their dreams. Throughout the book, the girls love for each other is strong, as they face the different challenges and joys of growing up.

Jo March finds the restrictions of being a woman in her time almost unbearable. She is a feminist who wants to dress like a boy, to have the freedom that men do, and to think for herself.

Even though Jo, as a woman, has talents and abilities and is more than a person that must be trained to be a wife and mother, she is convinced (by society) that only men have the freedom to decide what they become in their adulthood. Jo believes this because throughout much of the history of Western civilization, deep-rooted cultural beliefs allow women only limited roles in society. Many people believed that women's natural roles were as mothers and wives. These people considered women to be better as mothers and wives rather than as anything else. Widespread belief that women were intellectually inferior to men led most societies to limit women's education to learning domestic skills. In contrast to what her other sisters (and most women of the time) think about womanhood, Jo does not want to grow up to be a mother devoted to her husband and children like every woman in that time is expected to be. She has dreams about becoming a writer and the thought of not being able to be so because of her sexuality is terrifying to her "I hate to think I've got to grow up and be Miss March, and wear long gowns, and look as prim as a China aster"(4).

Jo also considers that being a girl is a waste of time because she can't do anything that is really important. The only things that she can do are chores, which she sees as boring. She complains about not being a boy and not being able to go to war and help her father "I can't get over my disappointment on not being a boy, and it's worse than ever now, for I'm dying to go and fight with Papa, and I can only stay home and knit, like a poky old women" (4).

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"As she spoke, Jo took off her bonnet, and a general outcry arose, for all her abundant hair was cut short" (174), Jo cut her one beauty and sold it to a wig maker to make money for her family when their father was ill. She is proud of her manly qualities that her other sisters detest. She believes that the absence of their father at home is a problem that she might somehow be able to control if she could only be a boy. And even though she is not a boy, she feels responsible and tries to take the roll of the male in the March family. Jo states this when arguing with her sisters on who should buy their mother's Christmas present "I'm the man of the family now Papa is away" (6). This statement shows Jo's personality as tomboyish, responsible, and proud.

Without a man to contradict her, Jo is able to fully explore her imagination. She writes dramatic stories, which she sells to make a living. And as long as she manages to keep the Weekly Volcano away from the males in her life, she makes an honest living out of it. However, Professor Bhaers disapproval makes her hard-earned money lay rather heavily on her conscience.

In spite of the obstacles placed in her writing path, Jo still manages to be the most intellectually satisfied of the four sisters. Jo probably would have hated a life like Meg's, whose life is measured as somebody¹s wife and mother after she marries Mr. Brooke and seems all lost in motherhood and wifedom.

Jo wants to have her choices as a woman to be more than just getting married; she wanted those choices to be made freely and to reflect other options. Jo says over and over again that she wants to be a man because that means she can have more choices in life. At one point she says she wants to marry Meg herself so that Meg need not do what our culture demands of her.

Jo wanted to be a boy and be head of the March household so that she herself need never take up the feminine position in a patriarchal household. In lamenting Megs relationship with John Brooke, Jo exclaims, "Oh deary me! Why werent we all boys? Then there wouldnt be any bother" (5).

Jo hates the idea that after marriage women depend on their husband for support. She sees no difference between a woman who marries and lives with a man because he can provide for her wants, and the woman who is not married, but who is provided for at the same price. She wants to prove herself that she does not depend on a man and that is why she refused to marry Laurie, the young, wealthy, talented, and loving neighbor and friend "Nothing more, except that I don't believe I shall ever marry. I'm happy as I am and love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up for any mortal man" (8). But this didn't last long; she ended up instead with that old foreigner, Professor Bhaer. Jos choice is an interesting one. Jo should have married Laurie. All the rules of romance require that marriage. But Jo chose against romance because of her need for independence. The reason she gave for refusing Laurie was that they were too much alike. This reason makes no sense.

In the end, Jo's fate, as a woman and as a writer, is a negotiation and a compromise. She gives up her writing life to motherhood, as she cares for her own children and acting as surrogate mother to the boys whom her husband teaches. Her writing career is modified into the conformist mode "Jo was a very happy woman there . . . She enjoyed it heartily, and found the applause of her boys more satisfying than any praise of the world; for now she told no stories except to her flock of enthusiastic believers and admirers" (5). In fact she exclaims, in the final pages of the book, "The life I wanted then seems selfish, lonely, and cold to me now. I havent given up the hope that I may write a good book yet, but I can wait, and Im sure it will be all the better for such experiences and illustrations as these" (54).

Even if Jo end up marrying and giving up her writing career, she marries an intellectual partner who seems to nourish her mind as well as her heart, and she enters a marriage in which both male and female are equal,

"I may be strong-minded, but no one can say Im out of my sphere now, for womans special mission is supposed to be drying tears and bearing burdens. Im to carry my share, Friedrich, and help to earn the home. Make up your mind to that, or Ill never go" (5).

In the end, Jo does not entirely succeed because she gave up her writing career, although she did succeed in becoming an independent woman. Jo becomes a self-reliant and a self-supporting individual. At the end of the book Jo's inner conflict isn't totally resolved and the author gives another chance for Jo March Bhaer to write a good book yet" (54).

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Concentration Camps

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Concentration Camps. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Concentration Camps paper right on time.

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Concentration Camps

Imagine being forced by total strangers, no different than yourself, to leave your home and everything in it behind. You are then pushed onto a train packed with other people. After a long train ride you are taken off the train and the women and children are put in one group. The people who can perform the tasks that these strangers need done are put into another group. The women and children who were told that they would be given a shower are never to be seen again. Two of these camps are Auschwitz and Dachau. There the SS officers treated these poor people inhumanly.

Auschwitz is located in Oswiecim, Poland it was established on May 6, 140. The Auschwitz complex was divided into three major camps Auschwitz I, main camp or Stammlager; Auschwitz II, or Birkenau, established on October 8, 141 as a Vernichtungslager(extermination camp); Auschwitz III or Monowitz, established on May 1, 14 as an Arbeitslager or work camp. This camp was liberated January 7, 145, by the Soviet Army. (The estimated number of victims .1 to .5 million. This estimated number of death is considered by historians as a strict minimum. The real number of death is unknown but probably much higher, maybe 4 million) ( n. pag.).

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In Auschwitz there was a "doctor" name Josef Mengle. He performed gruesome experiments on people in the camp. He is most famous for his experiments on twins. He would remove organs or body parts from one twin and put them one the other to see what would happen. Mengle did not only experiment on twins though, he would inject prisoners with lethal chemicals just to see how they would react to them. One survivor of Auschwitz is Richard Sufit. He was born in Paris, France on September 16, 15. Sufit was arrested in 144, detained in Drancy, France. He was then moved to Auschwitz-Birkenau on June 0, 144. There he was tattooed with roll number A16866. He worked at Buna-Monowitz and took part in the Death March to Gleiwitz, then to Buchenwald where he was freed by the Americans on April 11, 145.

The people who appeared too weak to walk or ill were placed in trucks. In an other wagon, two or three wagons in front of ours, some prisoners had tried to escape during the journey. They jumped from the wagon just before the German border and tried to hide in the forest. But the train had stopped and all these prisoners were captured by the SS. Some were immediately killed and all the prisoners, dead and alive, were placed back in their wagon. Upon our arrival at Auschwitz, we have seen the survivors placed in a group apart from the others. Well never see them again (Sufit).

During the Auschwitz Death March the temperature was below zero. Only a few lucky ones had over-coats. Prisoners that fell from exhaustion were shot to death. A prisoner marching in an outer row would see a bloody body every 40 or 50 yards for miles. Some of the prisoners were able to use confusion to escape. Twenty-one year old Sara Erenhalt


and a group of other women were able to do just that. One night, a few of the SS officers

stopped for the prisoners and themselves to get some sleep. The women slept in a barn owned by a priest. The next morning the seven women stayed in the barn and hid there for three and a half weeks (Feldman 78-7). The prisoners of this camp were treated very poorly, and their only crime was, for the most part, being of the Jewish faith.

"Pronounce it as though you were clearing something nasty from your throat...

Dachau. My first inkling that this pleasant Bavarian village would become a word to chill

the blood, came from the terrible odor as my passenger and I disembarked from our little

two-seater Stinson L-5." Chuck Ferree, a Holocaust witness and liberator, was there

Please note that this sample paper on Concentration Camps is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Concentration Camps, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Concentration Camps will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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