Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Cynicism and Corruption - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Cynicism and Corruption - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Cynicism and Corruption - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Cynicism and Corruption - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Cynicism and Corruption - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born paper at affordable prices!

Ayi Kwei Armah's novel The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born, is a tale about a nameless man living in poverty in the African country of Ghana. Struggling to support his wife and children in a land colonized and dominated by Europeans, this man observes the corruption of the people trying to do the same. Native Ghanaians are being crushed by poverty and it is clear that most anybody would do anything in pursuit of wealth and power. Thru the man's experiences, we learn of Ghana's recurring cycle of corruption and its doom. The encounter he makes in his everyday life reveals the hopelessness and cynicism of Ghanaians. Honesty is not valued in this poverty stricken land, and it is obvious when even his loved ones hate him for it. However, false hopes are quickly killed and even the dreams of his hopeful family are thrown in the dirt. As a result, even the powerful are overthrown and a new group of wealthy, powerful leaders take their place.

So contaminated the Ghanaians have become, the man is not applauded for his honesty, but instead receives scorn. Such a simple act of not accepting a bribe from the timber merchant causes his much pain. Amankwa accuses him, saying, "you are a very wicked man. You will never prosper"(107). At home, his wife is enraged that he did not take the money retorting, "maybe you like this crawling that we do, but I am tired of it" (44). Likewise, the man's mother-in-law is also constantly shooting contempt towards the man for his "uselessness." She is convinced that because of him her life and her daughter's life is miserable. She deeply envies the life that Minister Koomson's life finding it "truly unbearable when you see some twin of yours shoot like a star toward the gleam, so fast that he has light of his own to give"(6). Unlike the women in his family, the man understands that "all anyone [in Ghana] struggles for is to be nearer the white man"(). He himself does not understand how men are so consumed with the thought of rising to the top but in his duty to his wife and children, he takes the mindless struggle of working day after day. Although he hopes for a better life for his family he sees no hope to a different life and asks, "how can I ever feel like a human being"().

Koomson's success and rise to become minister is the very opposite of the man's honest ways and a clear example of corruption in Ghana. The minister had been a classmate of the man and he recalled that he was not a special student at all but "actually stupid"(5). The Man sees Joseph Koomson and how he was ready "for big and beautiful things" but also saw "[his] own black men hugging new paunches scrambling to ask the white man to welcome them onto [their] backs"(81). Seeing men striving to imitate the white man, he stays away from doing the same. When Koomson offers his wife and mother-in-law a boat, the man understands that Koomson is out to fool them. Still he allows his wife to get excited and prepare a big dinner because he wants to avoid any further scorn from his family for they "are using it to hit [him] on the head every terrible day, to make[him] feel so useless"(57). As he predicted the boat was just a money scheme for Koomson himself and leaves his wife and mother-in-law disappointed.

When the state is overthrown in a coup, Koomson who represents the contaminated black man, must flee for his life as the new leaders take over. Even the man's wife, who has finally given in to the falsity of Koomson's promises realizes that this pursuit of a "better life" is not worth it. Seeing the minister's pathetic, desperate attempts to save his life. "…here was a real change. The individual man of power now shivering, his head filled with the fear of the vengeance of those he had wronged"(16). She says "I am glad you never became like him" and for the first time "she was glad to have [her husband] the way he was"(165). Stripped of his pride, Koomson must resort the plunging head first into the latrine to save his own life. The man knows that this new government are to become just like the leaders the preceded them. "New people, new style, old dance" he describes it(157). He knows that "now another group of bellies will be bursting with the country's riches"(158).

Order College Papers on Cynicism and Corruption - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born

Armah clearly describes the corruption is Ghana the last years of Nkrumah. Though the protagonist is a man of honesty, he shows us the cynicism and corrupted pursuit for power. Even his own family has grown to hate him in their lives of poverty and is willing to do anything to get out of it. Through Koomson, Armah also depicts the ongoing cycle in which leaders are again and again contaminated by the desire of power and wealth. The conditions of his land has made him so cynical that he believes that salvation exists "…only within the cycle of damnation itself"(56).

Please note that this sample paper on Cynicism and Corruption - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Cynicism and Corruption - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Cynicism and Corruption - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, July 19, 2021

Community experience

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on community experience. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality community experience paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in community experience, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your community experience paper at affordable prices!


For my community experience, I chose to interview my mom. At first, I didn't really know where to begin, or how I was going to fill up two pages on my mom's health history and the history of some of the women in my family. However, about two minutes into the interview, I was thoroughly surprised. Although, I already knew most of the surface details, it turns out there was quite a bit more than I'd realized.

On my mother's side of the family, there have been a few breast cancer diagnoses; one of her sister's has suffered from severe depression and anorexia, as well as a disease called Wilson's disease. My mom also has this disease, which I will discuss further on.

I was born when my mother was all of 18 years old. When I asked her about birth control in those days, she told me that of course it was around via condoms and the pill, but regretfully, she didn't use either. Being pregnant at such a young age, was for her one of the worst things ever, both emotionally and physically. She told me that although she doesn't regret me for one minute, at 18 years old, she was still growing. She wasn't thinking like a mother. Her bodyy was growing one way and stretching another way. In the long run, she received a gift, but to get it her whole way of life and her destiny were changed.

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Even though she was young, she was relatively healthy throughout the pregnancy. She even smoked and drank moderately up to the 4th month, which thankfully didn't have any severe side effects. She said that at that time, the risks of such behavior weren't really known. Fortunately, I was born a healthy baby, although I do have a stigmatism and have to wear glasses, which could be a result of some of those behaviors.

5 years later, my sister came along. My mom was a little older and a lot wiser. The pregnancy went relatively well until an infection developed in my mom called Streptococci. Although, it didn't affect my sister long-term, it did cause her to be born prematurely one month early.

My mother didn't smoke or drink at all while pregnant with my sister. But, she did before and afterwards. She started smoking when she was 15. When she was 8, she began to have serious shortness of breath. When she went in to be checked, her doctor discovered on her lower left lobe of her left lung, was the very beginnings of Fibrosis. She quit cold-turkey that day.

As I mentioned earlier, my mom also has a rare disease known as Wilson's. One of her sisters also has it and another one of her sister's is a carrier.

A women's copper count is supposed to be 50. When you have Wilson's disease, there is too much copper in your blood, and your system doesn't know how to get rid of it. For example, if you eat foods that are high in copper such as chocolate, almonds or mushrooms, and you have Wilson's, your body can't break it down properly. Copper is a metal and it builds up. Your body has no place to store it so it goes to either your liver or your brain.

My mom's father and mother are known as carriers of the disease. Somewhere along the line, way back when, on both sides of her father and mother, a cousin slept with a cousin (back when this was accepted) and it was a 1 in 1000 chance that my grandparents would meet each other, get married and have kids. Well, they did and had kids in fact, but as I said before the disease only developed in my mom, one of her sisters and made another one of her sister's a carrier.

My aunt was discovered with the disease first and this was because when Wilson's is in some of its advanced stages, signs of it become more obvious. One of these is a copper colored ring around the pupil of the eye, which my aunt had. Doctors then recommended that all of my grandparent's children get tested. The test was a liver biopsy, and my mom, queasy over needles refused to do it.

Certain things trigger Wilson's such as stress and smoking to name a few. At the time, my mother was still smoking, and she was under high levels of stress, because my dad was basically an alcoholic and gone all the time.

She told me that about years after she had refused to take the test, she was blow drying my sister's hair and all of sudden she thought, "I can't do this, something's wrong." She said that the thought of finishing to dry my sister's long hair seemed absolutely overwhelming. It was a panic/anxiety attack.

When she went to get tested, she was tested positive for Wilson's disease and her copper level was at 110. For 1 year she had to take Penicillimin until her copper level was back down to 50. Now she has to take 150mg of Zinc daily on an empty stomach, and every 6 months she has to do a 4hr urine analysis, and give 6 vials of blood to be tested to get her copper count checked.

It has been and she has remained pretty healthy since. She had my brother when she was 5 and it was a relatively healthy pregnancy although he was weeks late and weighed a whopping 11 pounds when he finally arrived.

Of course I've known about all of these situations, but never in as much detail. It was very interesting and I discovered that it was information that I need to be very aware of.

Please note that this sample paper on community experience is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on community experience, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on community experience will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, July 16, 2021

Different culture diets

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Different culture diets. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Different culture diets paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Different culture diets, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Different culture diets paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Traditional Asian diets are predominantly based on cereals except in a few pastoral regions. The consumption of animal products is relatively low as compared to Western countries. Recent scientific findings demonstrated that diets high in plant foods are associated with more health benefits, such as decreased risks of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and obesity, and cancers of several sites. As per capita income increases with industrial development in Asia, there is a tendency to increase the consumption of added sugar, fats, oils and animal products and decreased consumption of cereal products, particularly in higher income regions. Consumers need to be cautioned about the trend in such dietary changes that may lead to adverse health effects. Contemporary dietary recommendations urge the consumption of a variety of cereals or grains, the proper storage of cereals including corns to avoid fungal contamination, and all year-round supply and consumption of vegetables and fruits. Soybeans, lentils, peas and other types of beans are important legumes in Asia; some soyfoods are tofu, soymilk, dahl and tempeh. Regular intake of soyfoods probably reduced the risk of several types of cancers and lowered the blood serum cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglyceride levels. Soy isoflavones may have a function in the prevention of hormone-related cancers. Salty and salted/cured meat, fish, and vegetables are common ingredients in Southeast Asia and they might have contributed to the high stomach cancer rate. Diets high in Cantonese-style salted fish, prepared by softening under partial decomposition, could be associated with increased risk of nasopharyngeal cancer. The use of MSG may cause adverse symptoms to some individuals. Another compound of health concern is the -Monochloropropane-1, -Diol (-MCPD), which has been found in some soy sauce products containing acid-hydrolyzed vegetable proteins. Appropriate quality control is needed to ensure the compliance of safe levels of contaminants.

Indian diets tend to contain more vegetables, less meat and fewer additives and packaged and processed foods than the traditional British diet, said Dr. Britton, of the Division of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Nottingham in England. The findings were similar for children eating vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets.

Indian children who ate the most Indian food were least likely to have abnormally sensitive airways, a sign of asthma. The study also found that the more Indian food they ate, the lower their risk of allergy. The results were similar even after the researchers took into account other asthma triggers such as living with dogs and cats or parental smoking. Since only one white child ate an Indian diet, the researchers could not adequately determine the effects of an Indian diet on non-Indian children.

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Typical Australian eating habits do not provide adequate carbohydrate, and the focus of a winning diet is to increase our intake of these fuel foods. How much do you need? For general health benefits and to provide energy for a light to moderate training program, nutritionists recommend that carbohydrate foods should make up more than half our total energy intake. Athletes in heavy daily training may need to eat higher levels again or to achieve special carbohydrate intake targets. For maximum daily glycogen storage an intake of 7-10g of carbohydrate per kg of your body weight is needed. This means an intake of 400-700g of carbohydrate for a typical endurance athlete.

For most Australians, a high-fat diet is second nature. Although our body needs some fats and oils, our typical eating patterns well exceed these requirements. The health disadvantages of high-fat eating include an increased risk of becoming overweight, and problems with heart disease and some cancers. For an athlete the most immediate problem is that a high fat intake displaces some of the energy we really need from carbohydrate foods. In a winning diet, lower-fat eating makes way for our new fuel foods. Cutting back a little on fats and oils is good for all athletes. However, if you are also concerned with losing some body fat or keeping it off, then you should pay special attention to low-fat eating strategies. Lower fat eating means reducing our intake of foods that are visibly fatty. However, many foods hide large amounts of fats and oils, often added in cooking or preparation. These should also be targeted. Alcohol has a strong link with sport through sponsorship. Although we have no need to drink alcohol in a winning diet, it can still be part of the healthy lifestyle of an athlete. Whether you drink at all is a personal decision. Unfortunately some sports people use alcohol badly, in terms of their health but also their performance.

Please note that this sample paper on Different culture diets is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Different culture diets, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Different culture diets will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Blood donation

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on blood donation. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality blood donation paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in blood donation, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your blood donation paper at affordable prices!

On Dec 1th 00 Jonathan Wales family meet with a tragic accident. Their station wagon turned twice after being hit by a water tank trailer leaving the entire family in an intensive care unit. Survival was a possibility if blood was available, unfortunately it wasn't. Think about your mum…your brother…What if they were caught in this accident and What if they were in need of blood …and What if blood wasn't available! I believe too few people donate blood…it's about time we teens start lending a hand for the benefit of others and for ourselves.

The most frequent question I ask myself is why should we try and preserve blood when we don't value it enough. What I'm meaning to say is that usually we teens carelessly loose out on a lot of our blood through things such as bleeding gums, bruises etc, but yet when it comes to loosing out on blood through donation most of us take a few steps backwards. The reason could possibly be due to fear of being infected or diseased from donating blood. This is truly a negative mindset for needles and other equipments used during donation are sterilized and discarded after being used once. The American Association of Blood Banks stated that although donors feel uneasy after donating blood yet there are absolutely no health risks associated with donating also on the other hand the human body averages 10 1 pints of blood therefore we can easily afford to spare some. Truly, the blood that flows through our veins is extremely precious there is no substitute for blood. No matter how far technology has taken us yet volunteer donors are still very much in need. Blood donation is looked as a form of charity one which is not equal ant to money. For money is the gift of luxury where as blood donation, which holds a far great rank, is the gift of life. Life South Community Blood Center quoted "One single pint is a silent, priceless gift to one another a gift hope, laughter and love, a gift of life". Your blood donation is given out of kindness the donor is not bond with obligation, the gift gives people of different societies the fighting chance at life.

Every time you walk into a blood bank to donate your blood you are not only bringing a smile on a single individual but instead several. For the blood you donate is separated into three components red blood cells, plasma and platelets. And also white blood cells as well as cryoprecipitate can be made from a pint of blood. Patients will only receive the blood component their body lacks. For instance cancer patients may only need platelets and burn patients may only need plasma. Just think by only devoting twenty minutes in donating blood you can help bring a number of smile on the patient in need as well as their family members who will always bear a life time of gratitude. Gifting blood is for sure a benefit towards the ill but have you ever though of the benefit you receive in turn. True you initially receive a sense of harmony; acknowledgement that this good deed preformed by yourself has helped wipe out all your bad deeds and has helped bring a smile of several individuals. Yet at the same time surprisingly it is also helps save your life in the short and long run. Well, your life is saved in the short run for every time you donate blood a lot of information about you is extracted. Confidential questions are asked your health history and your lifestyle. A lot of other testing are also run in order to be perfectly sure that the blood you donate will risk your health or the health of the receiving end. Through all these free tests run you might save your own life for it may uncover a condition in you that need treatment. In the long run blood donation is believed to reduces the risks of a heart disease, especially in men. Jerome Sullivan, M.D a researchers at the University of Florida believes so for each time you donate blood, iron is extracted from the body and this is good! For Sullivan believes that that high blood iron levels can increase the risk of heart disease. Iron speeds the oxidation of cholesterol a process that increases the damage to arteries that eventually leads to a cardiovascular disease. For example, a study of ,68 men in Finland reported in the September 18 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology. Men who donated blood at least once a year had an 88 % lower risk of heart attacks than no donors. Another study published in the August 17 issue of Heart found that men who donated blood were less likely show signs of a heart disease than people who did donate. What Sullivan proposes yet has to undergo great amount of research in order to be finally proven yet there is always the though that what he has stated just may be true and therefore a great benefit for us in the long run.

Finally here is just one story of a baby who has special reasons to celebrate her life because of blood donors. Seriously teens all it takes is twenty minutes of your time to give our society and may be also one of your own family members the gift of life. It's one of the greatest deeds and experiences you must go through. I hope that someday you'll will either form a campaign or join one in order to donate apart of you so that you can make a difference in others as well as yourself.

Please note that this sample paper on blood donation is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on blood donation, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on blood donation will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar paper at affordable prices!

Dunbar's Poetry

Paul Laurence Dunbar was born on June 7, 187 to former slaves, who had

relocated Dayton Ohio. Dunbar was the editor of his high school news paper which was

exceptional, considering he was the only African-American enrolled at the school. He Order Custom Essay on The life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar

went on to become the first African-American poet of national recognition. Throughout

his life he maintained an active roll in politics and along with, Booker T. Washington and

W.E.B Dubois raised money for the black college, Tuskegee Institute. Dunbar wrote ab

out the black experience in his poetry, reflecting his life as an African- American during

the late 1800's and early 100's. He was the first black author to use black dialect in his


Being the son of former slaves did not stop Dunbar from becoming the editor of

his high school paper, or achieving renown as a gifted poet. Charles Thatcher who was a

lawyer in Toledo became one of Dunbar's earliest supports. It's clear that Dunbar was

Destin for great things at an early age. The son of ex-slaves stepped in and out of dialect

for affect, never losing his distinctly black voice. He published and African-American

newsletter in Dayton, called tattler with the help of the Wright brothers. Dunbar

published in such mainstream journals as century, Lipincotts monthly the Atlantic

monthly and the Saturday Evening Post. Dunbar was a gifted poet and a percussion to the

Harlem Renaissance, Dunbar was read by both blacks and whites in turn of the century

America. From an early age used all of his experiences in his writing, as well as lending

his name and work to causes that would benefit his fellow men.

Dunbar was an important African- American poet writing the late 1800's and

early 100's.His first collection of poems entitled, "Oak and Ivy" was published in 18

when he was years of age. His second volume "major and minors" propelled him to

national fame. He achieved game as a poet fairly quickly. Dunbar published 1 volumes

of poetry in all. Dunbar was one of the first important poets to write extensively about

the black experiences in both dialect and studied English.

Dunbar was a versatile writer, writing down the facts he lived through. Dunbar

was a lyricist of tremendous ability, has came down to modern readers primarily as a part

of negro dialect. More than two thirds of Dunbar's poetry are written in standard English,

these however are not the works that made him famous , nor they are the none's have

secured him a place in the history of American Literature. Dunbar had a tremendous

amount of ability and he could write poetry in any shape or size. The qualities that he

displays in his standard poetries such as the detailed attention nature. The skinful

manipulation of imager, the masterful experimenting rhyme and meter. Dunbar was in

favor of the rhythmic narrative and pleasing delineation of black peasant life that

characterizes much of his dialect poetry. Dunbar maintained many poetic qualities to

work with. With more than two thirds of Dunbar's poetry focused on life sincerely sweet

the public saw it fit to praise his "tingle and a broken tongue". The language of Dunbar's

poetry has been a sore point, and is by no means an accurate representation of folk speech

and is a rather a highly conceptualized literary speech that seeks to achieve its object by

means of exaggeration of deliberate standard English. Dunbar's poetry lives on in

different languages and speeches.

Although Paul Laurence Dunbar published in large number of poems, novels, and

short stories. He is however best remembered for his use of the "black" dialect. Dunbar

has been criticized by a number of people as idealizing the lives of blacks in the south as

in "the party" jigs, cotillions, reels, breakdowns and cordials, "or a Waltz of two". The

above reference as well as many others lead many other critics at the time to express the

idea that if dancing and singers in general are associated with the slave plantation, then

the old slaves would be distressed over the abolition. It seemed that some people believe

that Dunbar was glamorizing slavery. I however, do not believe that he did do so, yet

rather painted a picture of the way the slaves dealt with the circumstances they were put

in. While Dunbar was writing about the southern blacks making the best of their lives by

singing, dancing, and eating, and this in turn however was a false portrayal of overall day

to day slavery life, and brought about a large misconception of slavery. Contemporarily

the blacks were facing segregation, racism and terrorism because they were black. Many

critics beloved that Dunbar who was the son of ex slaves chose to ignore the essential

factors that helped shape the lives of the very people his dialect poetry supported to

reflect. The university of Dayton's poetry in residence for over two decades, random

students and professors have published of poetry and a monograph of, and in memory

and respect of Paul Laurence Dunbar in attempt to reconcile and restate his ideas through

his writings.

Please note that this sample paper on The life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Not clear

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Not clear. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Not clear paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Not clear, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Not clear paper at affordable prices with custom writing service!

Coaches have been with us for many years.

In athletics, drama and debate, the notion of coaching someone is old hat. Organizational-development specialists and consultants also have a history of helping employees understand what to do differently and helping them to learn how to do it. The target of these efforts typically has been executives and CEOs, but all managers are now expected to take on the responsibilities of the coach.

Managers have been the target of much fallout from the re- engineering/downsizing excesses of the 80s and 0s.

For surviving managers, the fallout meant Manage, but develop your employees, address performance problems, prepare people for possible succession, and field any number of interpersonal issues such as conflict, failure to adapt to the culture and so on.

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Managers are now expected to mentor, to advise, to coach and to otherwise get maximum accomplishment from each employee. It is a heavy agenda.

Of the many such expectations levied on managers, four stand out.

First, they are expected to help employees self-manage. That means taking an active role in the career and personal development of employees. It means being a leader in helping them develop and perform effectively.

For most managers taught to get the job done, helping others deal with these issues is a challenge. They are asked to be part psychologist, part father confessor, part disciplinarian and part teacher.

Second, we live in a world in which knowledge is the key to survival and effectiveness. One principle source of knowledge is the organization itself. For the manager, the questions are How can I harness the organizations capacity to teach the employee? How can the organization serve as teacher?

While this objective is often the job of the training department, managers are in a position to play a key role because they are closest to knowing what the employee needs to know to perform and to advance.

Facilitating this employee-organization interface demands high skill and commitment.

A third and growing expectation of many organizations (its often built into the formal performance-appraisal system) is the personal growth of their employees. How do managers stimulate it? How well do they frame it so the employee will act on a personal growth plan? How effectively is it integrated with training and the human- resources department? Does the employee think personal development is the same thing as the manager?

A fourth development that adds responsibility and power to the manager is feedback. Much that people learn about themselves and their performance results from feedback. Others provide it, and we extract it from informal performance judgements, rewards and casual conversation. Giving feedback to an employee is demanding of both time and skill. It is not for the faint of heart nor for those given to sound bites. Effectively giving feedback is a challenge to any manager.

Three main characteristics mark the manager-coach who can assume the responsibilities of this ever-expanding role.

First the coachs interpersonal skills must be honed to a high degree. Establishing a solid relationship with employees is perhaps the crucial element. Without a solid relationship, coaching is likely to be a formal exercise conducted at arms length. Managers with competent interpersonal skills are effective in confronting, deft in questioning and able to listen and understand.

The second characteristic is knowledge of the world in which the employee lives and works. That understanding comes from broad experience with a variety of employees in many settings.

The third characteristic is credibility. We gain credibility through academic qualifications, experience and evidence of age. But, at bottom, credibility must have a face; it must be manifested. Degrees and experience absent tangible and relevant evidence do not contribute to credibility. The employee has a right to ask What is it that you have which persuades me that I should heed your advice, counsel or direction?

Employees are putting such questions to managers at an increasing rate, and they should be prepared to address them head-on.

People often have difficulty integrating experience on one hand and job performance, career and personal development and conflict on the other. Part of the job of the competent manager is helping with that integration.

Effectively done, that is one small step in helping employees to achieve better performance and job satisfaction.

El Keil of Denver is a psychologist consultant to management who specializes in coaching for managers and executives. He is the author of several books and articles, and currently is working on a book on coaching.

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Friday, July 9, 2021

Slaughterhouse Five

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Slaughterhouse Five. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Slaughterhouse Five paper right on time.

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Slaughterhouse-Five is a story of a man, Billy Pilgrim, who every once in a while will become "travel in time". The book itself is written as an anti-war book with many references to Dresden and the carpet bombings held there. This book has been on the topic of being banned since its release in 16. It has been banned on sexual, language and social concerns in the book, but has never been banned over a wide area or more than just a little town. This shows that Slaughterhouse-five should not be banned and not only read but part of the curriculum in the High Schools around the country.

Slaughterhouse-five does have a lot of vulgarity and sexual references in it but one has to remember that it is still just a book. "Shit. What do you know? What the hell they teach in college?" ch. This book was usually banned in middle school and high school age schools because of its language and vulgarity. But not only language is why people think it should be banned but also because it is referred to as an anti-war book and it was released in 16. At this time the Vietnam war was going on and this book was telling people that war is bad and you really don't have to go to it. This book portrays war as "unpatriotic" and "not needed". In a sense telling people how bad war was and how unnecessary it was.

Keeping in mind that this was an anti-war book and it did come out in 16 this still should be no grounds on why to ban a book. Books are part of our free speech and should not be banned because an author thinks one way or another. This book was written in reference to World War I but came out during the next war in American history 5 years later. This was no big coincidence because Vonnegut wanted to show how war was for him and to show the public how war can be. Banning a book this alone should not even come close to being reasonable. This book made people think about war and the true sides to it. It showed the other sides of war and expanded peoples thinking. And that's what a book should do, it should expand ones thinking and make them realize different things about the world. If this book should be banned it should be banned because it expands the mind.

Slaughterhouse-five is still reading material and almost anything to read is good for people. It is very well written and one of the all time great books of all time. Even though it does have some bad language and sexual references that really does not take away from the "wholeness" of the book. Some of Vonnegut's references may have also been made to "shock" people at the time or make them want to read further in to the book. If we ban a book for references to war and because of some bad language I think that would be violating our 1st amendment rights of free speech. Banning this book would be like banning "The tale of Peter Rabbit" because Peter goes into the garden and we don't want the people to hear about someone doing something bad. This book may not be appropriate for younger readers but should not be banned among the older readers.Order Custom Slaughterhouse Five paper

The biggest reason for this book being banned is because of its language and of its sexual content. Yes it does have some vulgar language and some sexual references. "Billy sniffed. His hot bed smelled like a mushroom cellar. He had had a wet dream about Montana Wildhack." Ch. 5 But this language is heard in everyday talk. Talking about a wet dream or saying words like "fuck" or "goddamn" is no grounds to ban a book. These words and phrases are things that High School aged children are prone to everyday. Now the Middle School age kids are different. They do not have as many years under their belt so they are not used to this language as much. Some of the also do not know when to use this language and what some it means. But the older High School ages can handle the use of this language. And by reading this book it opens their mind to another side of war. And expands their mind to not just one side of a subject like most books are, but the side of war that many people do not want to talk about.

After all is said and done Slaughterhouse-five is still considered one of the best works of our time. It shows us many periods of time all at once and reveals just what a war can do a person. There is some parts in this book that are not suitable for children but that does not mean they are not suitable for the older readers. The language in this book may in fact add to the wholeness of the book overall. Banning this book is overall a bad idea. Restricting it would be a better idea instead of banning it completely. High School aged kids are old enough to hear the language and understand what situations mean in the book. After all is said this book is not half as bad as some of the literature that has come out. And this is a real asset to a school to be able to teach it. If it is banned the kids will miss out on not only a great book but a mind opener.

Please note that this sample paper on Slaughterhouse Five is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Slaughterhouse Five, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Slaughterhouse Five will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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